「尾道・文化紀行」ブログを作成、ぜひご覧ください! Create an "Onomichi / Cultural Travelogue" blog and take a look!
今年の8月より尾道の観光大志(使)を拝命し、尾道のために何かお手伝いできたらと思っている。できることはSNSを媒体に “尾道PR” をさせていただくことくらい。そのPR媒体として作成したのが「尾道・文化紀行」ブログ。このなかで、尾道を紹介していく。他府県在住なので、多くの情報を一度にというわけにはいかない。
From August of this year, I have been appointed as a tourism ambassador for Onomichi, and I hope to help with something for Onomichi. All I can do is do "Onomichi PR" through SNS. The "Onomichi / Cultural Travelogue" blog was created as a PR medium. In this, I will introduce Onomichi. I live in another prefecture. So I can't get a lot of information at once.
先週、その情報収集で尾道を訪問した。歩いてみて、話を聞いて、改めて尾道のすばらしさを実感。私がライフワークにしている “伝統文化をいまの暮らしに” を紹介する適所の町のように思えた。
Last week, I visited Onomichi to collect the informations. I walked around, listened to the story, and realized the wonderfulness of Onomichi again. It seemed like a town in the right place to introduce "Traditional culture to the present life" that I make my life work. The historic town has all the elements that form a culture. There are abundant assets that are indispensable for cultural formation, such as the sea, islands, sunshine, wind, terrain, transportation, industry, lifestyle, customs, customs, beliefs, and people. I think it has the power to create a new culture while enjoying the blessings of nature. Onomichi has an environment and property that is unique to other towns. It will be attracting more attention as a Japanese heritage town.
I would like to introduce each element of Onomichi from the perspective. Although it is still insufficient, I think that the content has been made so that everyone will be interested in it, so I would appreciate it if you could come "Onomichi / Cultural Travelogue".
In addition, there is a section called "Omichi Love Partners" in this blog. I am creating a banner for my friends who love Onomichi. With the intention of connecting and expanding with friends. Please refer to the links to each website and SNS.
■「尾道・文化紀行」ブログ / https://asulight0911.com/hiroshima_onomichi/
リポート&写真 / 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe