
建仁寺の降誕会四頭茶礼のために咲いた桜の景色   A view of the cherry blossoms that bloomed for the four-headed tea ceremony at Kennin-ji Temple

先日、京都建仁寺を訪ねた際に、受付正面に大きな桜の木の飾りつけが行われていた。木には桜が咲きこれから満開を迎えるベストな状態のものだった。関西では、この時期すでに過ぎ桜を見かけることはないが、北の方から運ばれてきた貴重な花材だろうと想像はつく。その作業に見とれながら、近くにおられた僧侶に “この飾り付けは何のためですか”と尋ねると、「明日の降誕会(ごうたんえ)の法会ために」という答えが返ってきた。           

The other day, when I visited Kennin-ji Temple in Kyoto, a large cherry tree was displayed in front of the reception. The trees were in the best condition with cherry blossoms in full bloom. In Kansai, we haven't seen cherry blossoms past this time, but we can imagine that it is a precious flower material brought from the north of Japan. While admiring the work, I asked a nearby monk, "What is this decoration for?" And the answer was "For tomorrow's birthday party of Eisai Zenshi." 


I don't know much about the outsiders, so I looked it up and found that every year, a puja called Yotsugashiracha is held for the birthday of Eisai Zenshi, the founder of Kenninji Temple. The tea party seems to have been canceled this year in consideration of the spread of corona infection. They decided to decorate this cherry blossom that was prepared for the tea ceremony when only the inner ring was used for the birthday party memorial service. It was in the process of doing that. For a while, I was watching the work with a person who seems to be an ikebana teacher and a person who prepared a cherry tree.


ちなみに降誕会四頭茶会というものがいかなるものであるかを少しまとめてみた。   茶会というよりは寺院に伝わる儀礼なので茶礼といういい方が適切のようだ。        建仁寺四頭茶礼とは、起源は中国の南宋・元の時代、大きな寺院にて行われていた茶礼で、日本には鎌倉時代に栄西禅師が禅と共に伝えられたとされている。室町・桃山時代以降、盛んに用いられた作法のようだ。当時は、特別な招待客のためのお茶であるから特為茶といわれ、一般大衆に呈茶する普茶とは趣がちがうもの。天目台、天目茶碗を使用し、出席者を貴人扱いとして行われていた。この作法は、禅宗寺院内の修道行事・法式・作法等を規定した正規のもののようである。平成24年に京都市登録無形民俗文化財に認定され、いまも毎年行われている法要である。          

Another thing I don't understand is the four-headed tea ceremony, which conveys the tradition of Zenin tea ceremony to the present day. It is performed by the seating method of the Zeninsaien, where the guests sit in the guest position, the front position, and the guest position. (Supplementary reprint from Kenninji online materials)


By the way, I've summarized a little about what the birthday party four-headed tea ceremony is like. It seems that the tea ceremony is more appropriate because it is a ritual that is passed down to the temple rather than a tea ceremony. Kennin-ji four-headed tea ceremony originated from a tea ceremony held at a large temple in the southern Song Dynasty of China, and it is said that Eisai Zen Master was introduced to Japan along with Zen during the Kamakura period. It seems to have been used extensively since the Muromachi-Momoyama period. At that time, it was called special tea because it was for special guests, and it was different from Fucha, which is presented to the general public. The attendees were treated as nobles using Tenmokudai and Tenmoku tea bowls. This method seems to be a regular one that regulates monastic events, ceremonies, methods, etc. in Zen Buddhist temples. It was certified as an intangible folk cultural property registered by Kyoto City in 2012, and is still a memorial service that is held every year.


The details of temple memorial services and ceremonies are difficult for us to understand, but old customs, customs, rituals, manners, etc. have been handed down in a different era. Among the historical cultures of Japan, there seems to be a deep spiritual culture peculiar to Japan.


レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二   Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe   場所 / 建仁寺 Kennin-ji Temple in Kyoyo

