着彩を楽しむ。「仏画曼陀羅アート」。 To enjoy the buddhist painting. "Buddhist Mandala Art".
"Sutra". I often hear it now.
If you go to a temple in Kyoto or Nara, there is a copy sutra experience section so you can feel free to do it. So it seems that more young women are doing it. I think it will take about 30 to 40 minutes. I often hear that you can be able to feel refreshed after transcribing without any thought.
写経を楽しむ中で、若い方たち(男性も)に親しめる写経ができないか、と考えて始めたのが「曼荼羅絵図」という写経。 般若心経276文字を、和紙に写し取った仏画とコラボさせる。仏画の選択(干支に合わせた仏画を選択)、紙の種類、大きさも自由。構図や配置も自在に決めてオリジナル性を出して楽しむ。
As I enjoyed the sutras, I thought that it would be possible to familiarize young people (even men) with a sutra called "mandala pictorial diagram". Collaborate with 276 characters of the Hannya Sutra with a Buddhist painting printed on Japanese paper. Free choice of Buddhist paintings (choose Buddhist paintings according to the zodiac), paper type and size. You can freely decide the composition and layout and enjoy the originality.
Today, I will post the mandala illustration that was posted on the last day of GW, colored with colored pencils. From line drawing to monotone, and coloring. I enjoyed the change.We are active in the art genre, but if you are interested, let's enjoy it together.
線画→モノトーン→着彩 / illustration→monotone→ coloring
レポート & Illustration、Painting by Yuji Watanabe