初秋の洛西をあるく Walk through Rakusai in early autumn
I walked in the dark green Rakusai.
The air, the wind, and the colors have come to feel a little autumn.
Autumn leaves are nice, but Ogurayama, which is a green leaf surrounded by the silence of this season, is memorable.
Pottery shop near Nison-in Temple (Shigaraki's fox welcomed me)
The green leaves of Mt. Ogura are in my eyes
Nison-in's white wall covered with maples
Spring water next to the gate of Nison-in
Moss covering the stone wall
■二尊院へ上がる石段 Stone steps, to the Nisoin
Kyoto city area facing from the ruins of Shigure-tei
Maples shine on the white wall
Maple on moss (looks beautiful on autumn leaves)
リポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe