李白、杜甫、杜牧、そして芭蕉もお猿さんが大好き。 【一茶庵稽古追想】 Li Bai, Du Fu, Du Mu, and Basho also love monkeys.
The subject of the sencha lesson tonight was "monkey".
Monkey is not a seasonal word for autumn, but it often appears as an animal that expresses late autumn in Chinese poetry and haiku. A long time ago, "monkey" often appeared in poems written by the famous Chinese poets Li Bai, Du Fu, and Du Mu in the Poetry of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. Most of them are used in sorrowful stories.
In the phrase Basho wrote, "Hatsushigure Monkey also wants a small Mino". It is said that when Basho was 46 years old, he was sung by the first rain in the mountains over Iga when he returned home after completing a trip to the back alley. It is famous as one of Basho's masterpieces.
"Monkey" appears in this phrase as well. It is not just a landscape description. Basho also wondered if his emotions at that time were likened to a "monkey."
では、なぜ? 猿が悲哀のストーリーによく登場するのか、というと。
So why? Why do monkeys often appear in sorrowful stories?
It seems to be in the monkey's "cry". It is said that the bark evoked the sorrowful feelings of Chinese poets, and the auditory character, or "high and sharp voice," was associated with it.
With that in mind, the taste of gyokuro and the scent of tea flowers and fruits made me feel the depth of autumn.
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 場所 / 文人会一茶庵 掛軸 / 文人会一茶庵所蔵 Reported & Photos / Yuji Watanabe