たかが一本の松、されど・・・ 勇姿がなくなる Only one pine, but .. the brave figure disappears
世界文化遺産 天龍寺の曽源池(そうげんち)庭園は、日本初の国の史跡・特別名勝に指定された最高峰の日本庭園。桜やツツジ、新緑、紅葉、雪景色など四季の移り変わりを愉しむために多くの人たちが訪れる。目に入る景色は美しすぎる世界である。
The Sogenchi Garden at Tenryu-ji Temple, a world cultural heritage, is the highest peak Japanese garden designated as Japan's first national historic site and special place of scenic beauty. Many people come to enjoy the changing seasons such as cherry blossoms, azaleas, fresh greenery, autumn leaves, and snowy scenery. The scenery you see is too beautiful. Feel the wind, enjoy the colors, hear the sounds of leaf rubbing and murmuring, imagine the shape and role of stones, and feel the joy of living with all five senses.
If something is missing in this world, the balance may be lost. This is especially true for things that have had a great presence until now. "Akamatsu", who continued to live as a great guardian in this Sogenike garden, died for a long time, although the cause is not clear. A pine tree that kept watching the garden like a dragon on the southeast corner was cut down in the whirlpool of this year's corona. Although it is a pine tree in a corner of a temple that is a world cultural heritage, it seems that it was promoted with the permission of Kyoto Prefecture and the city for the treatment of cultural heritage.
トップの写真は数年前からの姿 上記の写真は勇姿を見せていたとき
For those who have seen the existence of Akamatsu reminiscent of a guardian dragon for a long time, the withered figure was reflected in a fragile but lonely figure. When we interviewed last year, it had already been decided to cut down. Earlier this year, I called for confirmation. Unfortunately ... the reply was. And the day before yesterday, the view from the Shoin did not have that brave figure. However, a strong figure is forever imprinted on my mind.
上段の写真は、西南から眺めたもので、枯れた一本の松がまだあった 下段は、東南のから眺めたもので、右にあった松がなくなっている
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe