嵯峨野の顔「清涼寺」の朱の金剛力士像 Sagano's face "Seiryo-ji" vermilion statue of Kongorikishi
嵐山 渡月橋からまっすぐ北に行くと、清凉寺の仁王門に突き当たる。通称嵯峨釈迦堂といわれている浄土宗寺院である。初めて参拝させていただく機会を得た。
If you go straight north from Arashiyama Togetsu Bridge, you will come across the Niomon Gate of Seiryoji Temple. It is a Jodo sect temple known as Saga Shakado. I had the opportunity to visit for the first time.
I wasn't on the Sagano walking course with everyone in the Buddhist painting mandala art Kobe classroom this time, but the Niomon towered in front of the shop where I stopped by for lunch. Originally, it was a course to visit Jojakko-ji Temple and Nison-in Temple from Tenryu-ji Temple, but we stopped by because of the power of Niomon. That is Seiryoji Temple.
Seiryo-ji Temple stopped by without any temple information, but when I looked it up, the principal image was Shaka Nyorai (national treasure), and the statue was thicker than ancient times as a spiritual image that conveys the appearance of Shaka Nyorai when Shaka was 37 years old. It was a statue that gathered faith.
The current Niomon, which is the gates, was completed just before 1800, and the construction style is a compromise between Japanese and Chinese Zen Buddhism. On the left and right of the first layer, the a-gyo statue and un-gyo statue statues of Nio, which are said to have been built during the Muromachi period, are enshrined. As you can see, the two guardian deities of the entire temple are vermilion wrestlers. As you know, the image is naked to the upper body and muscular, the a-gyo image reveals the expression of anger, and the un-gyo image expresses the expression of anger inside. These shapes represent the character of a guardian deity that prevents Buddhist enemies from entering the temple.
The statue of King Nio is a statue of the heavens with an angry expression, but the statue of wrestlers here at Seiryo-ji looks more calm than the statues of wrestlers at other temples. It may be natural because the Buddhist priests to build are different. It's no wonder that it looks different depending on the angle, the sunlight, and the feelings of the viewer at that time.
I will introduce the statue of Shaka Nyorai, a national treasure, and the Kyozo at a later date.
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe