
淡路島の「伊弉諾神宮」のあと、伊邪那岐大神を祀る淡海(滋賀)の「多賀神社」を訪ねた。【淡海シリーズⅠ】 After "Izanagi Shrine" in Awaji Island, I visited "Taga Shrine" in Omi (Shiga).


I visited "Izanagi Shrine " in Taga Shrine, Awaji Island. Two weeks later, I visited "Taga Shrine " in Taga-cho, Inugami-gun, Shiga Prefecture.
"Izanagi Okami" and "Izenami Okami", the parents of Amaterasu Omikami who fulfilled all the deities that began in the national life, together (Izanami no Okami) It is a historical shrine and a shrine that enshrines the name written in / Nihonshoki (Izanagi and Izanami).



However, the Kakurinomiya of Izana has been controversial since ancient times because it exists in two places, Awaji and Omi (Lake Biwa, Shiga).
In the Kojiki, the oldest document in Japan, it is written that "Izanagi no Ogami is better than Taga in Awaji." In the Japanese calligraphy, it seems that "Izanagi Okami built a large house to die in Awaji after finishing his work as a god and quietly retreat." The Shinpukuji book of the Nihon Shoki is Taga of Omi (Lake Biwa, Shiga). Ise books are supposed to be Awaji theory. It seems to be true that there are some indications that the contents of Kojiki and Nihonshoki are slightly different.


Another thing I was interested in was that the place name "Taga" was attached to both Jingu (Awaji) and Shrine (Omi). When I look it up, "Taga" seems to be the word used to beautify the land of Yamato and Ezo in ancient Japan. It seems to be a "high land" or a "land without disaster." Therefore, it can be inferred that the place name "Taga" was later attached to both.



When I visited Taga Shrine, I was surprised at the strict and respectable palace. The main hall, the hall of worship, the kagura hall, and our hall are all made of hinoki cypress thatched wood. The main shrine of Taisha Shrine is surrounded by a corridor and a wall extending from the Kagura hall. The appearance of the building with the flat roofs that fold over was impressive.
The creek that runs through the torii and in front of the gate has a warped bridge, like Izanagi Shrine in Awaji. This Taiko bridge made of stone is also a cultural property of Taga Town, and is said to be called the “Taiko Bridge” because Hideyoshi Taiko has come to believe.


地元の人たちには「お多賀さん」という愛称で呼ばれ親しまれている大社である。昔からこんなことが囁かれていた。「お伊勢参らば お多賀へ参れ お伊勢はお多賀の子でござる。お伊勢七度 熊野へ三度 お多賀様へは月詣り」と。絶大なる「多賀信仰」の深さを物語る言葉である。

It is a large shrine that is known and loved by the locals as "Otaga-san". This has been whispered for a long time. "If you come to Ise, come to Otaga, Ise is a child of Otaga. Ise is 7 times, Kumano is 3 times, and Taga is a lunar visit." It is a word that tells the depth of the enormous "Taga faith".


A similar shrine style and shrine architecture can be seen from the fact that the parents of Amaterasu Omikami are enshrined, visiting the "Izanagi Shrine" in Awaji Island and "Taga Taisha" in Shiga Prefecture. Named the same town as Taga, it coexists as a national shrine.


This [Omi series] was collected when I walked around Shiga Biwa, a treasure trove of Japanese cultural assets. I plan to introduce it though it is a little.

レポート & 写真  /  渡邉雄二

Reported & Photo by Yuji Watanabe

