
新しい年を創造する 二十四節気を舞踏で表現  Creating a new year Expressing the 24 solar terms with Valley dancing


This article, which I have introduced before, is one of the things that I almost always remember on the day of spring(risshun). I remember it as a strong impact. It's a newspaper ad five years ago. (The following is diverted from what was written at that time)


The moment this ad caught my eye, I felt like I was dancing. It's been a long time. Although it is a newspaper advertisement, I was shocked by the visual expression of the Japanese season in valley dancing. The changing seasons of Japan. It also captures the "courage" that progresses toward the future and dreams under the theme of "24 solar terms" in a performance form.

By the way, if you write the 24 solar terms

立春 雨水 啓蟄 春分 晴明 穀雨
立夏 小満 芒種 夏至 小暑 大暑
立秋 処暑 白露 秋分 寒露 霜降
立冬 小雪 大雪 冬至 小寒 大寒

risshun usui keichitsu shubun seimei uhoku
ritsuka shoman boushu geshi shousho daisho
risshu shosho hakuro shubun kanro soko
ritto shosetsu daisetsu toji shokan daikan


This solar term divides the solar year into 24 equal parts according to the number of days or the position of the sun on the ecliptic and gives the day including the division point a name indicating the season (see Wikipedia).

この表現によって、日本の伝統・文化・美意識を創造し、同社の新しい価値を生み出そうとしている。品ぞろえ、おもてなしの心遣い、立ち振る舞いに、日本の季節で育まれた五感を生かし、業務活動に結びつけているというアピールのようだ。これを「this is japan」と称し展開している。

Each seasonal division point is advertised and developed by a visual method called valley dancing. As you can see, the company is the Mitsukoshi Isetan Group.
This expression creates Japanese tradition, culture, and aesthetics, and is trying to create new value for the company. It seems that the appeal is that the five senses nurtured in the Japanese season are utilized in the product lineup, hospitality, and behavior, and are linked to business activities. This is called "this is japan" and is being developed.
It incorporates traditional Japanese customs and natural styles in a novel style that suits the present era.





In the spring of 2022, I reposted it with the hope of creating a new year.

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 写真・資料/ 三越伊勢丹グループ新聞記事参照 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe




