植物から創造された「家紋」 "Family crest" created from plants
3月24日のヤフーのトップページに「今日は、徳川家康が征夷大将軍になって、江戸幕府が成立した日」と出ていた。そのあとに、徳川家の家紋のモチーフになった植物は? という追文があった。
On the top page of Yahoo on March 24, "Today is the day when Ieyasu Tokugawa became a shogun and the Edo Shogunate was established." After that, there was a postscript asking what plant was the motif of the Tokugawa family crest.
I got caught up in this sentence and investigated the family crest. Going back in time, of course, military commanders who unified the world, such as Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and Ieyasu Tokugawa, appeared. I am intrigued by the "family crest" used by the Sengoku warlord.
馴染みがあるのが "この紋どころが目に入らぬか" という台詞で有名な水戸光圀公の"黄門さん"。黄門さんが印籠を前に突きつけ悪者を退治する。その印籠に葵紋が描かれている。
Every time I watch the drama of each Sengoku warlord, the "family crest" drawn on the banner of the warlord is reflected in the movie and casually remains in my head. The family crest of the Tokugawa family, who ruled Japan for a long time, is particularly impressive. You know "Aoi crest".
Familiar is "Komon-san" by Mitsukuni Mito, who is famous for the line "I can't see this crest in my eyes". Mr. Komon thrusts the inro in front and exterminates the bad guys. Aoi crest is drawn on the inro. Those who have often seen such a scene will be interested in the shape of the "family crest".
This aoi usually has two leaves with petioles at the tip of the branch and is called a two-leaf aoi. After Ieyasu Tokugawa became a shogun, he added one leaf to Aoi Futaba and made it the crest of "Aoi Mitsuha".
Before Tokugawa family is Toyotomi, and it is Oda. The crest used by these three families is as you can see (photo). It is said that Nobunaga used several coats of arms, but the Oda clan is also famous for the "Mokkoumon" and "Kirimon". Among them, "Gosan Kirimon" is said to have a close relationship with Nobunaga. Hideyoshi, who was his vassal, also inherited the "Kirimon". However, it is said that he used the "Goshichi Kirimon" by changing the number of Nobunaga's paulownia leaves since he called himself Toyotomi.
Ieyasu who appears after that is "Aoi Crest". In any case, the family crest often has the motif of plant leaves and flowers. Looking at the colors and shapes that nature weaves, I feel that something is newly born and created.
Traditional Japanese culture is a treasure born from nature and nurtured with it.
レポート / 渡邉雄二 Photos / 家紋の画像より転載 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe