
一隅を照らす「不滅の法灯」が、全国へ。 【比叡山延暦寺Ⅱ】 The "Immortal Iamplight" that illuminates one corner is spread throughout Japan.


In 788, when Saicho built the Ichijoshikanin, the predecessor of the Konponchudo, when he hung a light in front of Yakushi Nyorai, the principal deity, it has continued to shine for 1200 years. It is said that the "Lamplight". It is called "Immortal Lamplight" because it is still lit continuously. It is well known that this light has been handed down to the present age as the origin of Saicho's teaching, "illuminate a corner". The overall meaning seems to be "doing the best in stage and position and shining."


According to the explanation of the monks, the monks often checks the light every day to see if the light is off and the amount of rapeseed oil. Like the technology that has been passed down from the past, it seems to be an irreplaceable "guidance" that lights the future.


僧侶が法灯を確認 /  Monks check the lamplight


Since June of next year will be the 1200th year of the transition (after death), the lamplight will be divided into four regions nationwide. The lighting ceremony was held on April 2nd. A nationwide pilgrimage of "I want you to feel Saicho's teachings close to you" was scheduled for next month at each temple of the Tendai sect, but unfortunately it seems that it was postponed due to the new coronavirus situation.

※トップの写真は延暦寺提供                     レポート & 写真 /  渡邉雄二

Reported & Photo by Yuji Watanabe

