作品づくりに意欲的にチャレンジAmbitious challenge to create works
昨日は泉佐野教室。胎蔵曼陀羅の中心部「中台八葉院」の課題は各教室ともなかなか思うように進まないが、そんな中でも “腕がパンパン” “目がショボショボ” といいながらも途中経過を披ろう。課題の進行状況はさまざまであるが楽しんでチャレンジしている様子が作品からうかがえる。
Izumisano classroom yesterday. The tasks of "Chudai Hachiyoin", which is the center of the womb mandala, do not go as planned in each classroom, but even so, let's show the progress while saying "arms are fluffy" and "eyes are screaming". The progress of the tasks varies, but l can see from the work that they are having fun and taking on challenges.
The Izumisano classroom is under the jurisdiction of the Lifelong Learning Center, so on the 19th and 20th of this month, it will be a joint presentation of nearly 30 clubs, and from April, it will be a new exhibition in the exhibition case (half a year). They are enthusiastically taking on the challenge of creating works.
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 作品/ 仏画曼陀羅アート泉佐野教室 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe