
味は、その時の情感や情景で変わる。  The concept of taste changes depending on the emotions and scenes at that time.

煎茶サロンのお題目は「別離」。昔から初春は、“別れる” “離れる” という言葉がよく使われる季節である。
中国では唐の時代から官僚たちの移動がこの時期に行われ、栄転もあれば左遷も多かったようである。茶を席でよく話題にあがるのが、どちらかと言えば “悲しい別れ” のほう。これはどの時代も同じのようである。

The subject of the Sencha Salon is "Separation". From early times, early spring is the season when the words “parting” and “leaving” are often used.
In China, bureaucrats moved during this period from the Tang Dynasty, and it seems that there were many prosperity and leftovers. Tea is often talked about at the table, but rather “sad farewell”. This seems to be the same for all times.


It seems that it was customary to fold a willow branch and hold it on the head to pray for safety when breaking up, whether in prosperity or resignation.

その時に淹れる玉露は “苦み” の味をほんの少し強くし、お軸の心情にふれてみるのも乙な計らいである。これが煎茶を楽しむ醍醐味のような気がする。

The axis was written by a person called Sodo Suzuki in the early Showa era. As the meaning is unraveled, the feelings of Sodo Suzuki emerge. The tragic sadness is spelled out. Imagine the scene and the atmosphere changes.
The gyokuro brewed at that time makes the taste of "bitterness" a little stronger, and it is also a good idea to touch the feelings of the axis. This feels like the real pleasure of enjoying Sencha.

いまの時代に、よく言われる “美味しい” という概念を少し考えさせられた。美味しくいただく、というのは、「そのときの情景や情感にあわせ味を変える、また味が変わる」というのが本来の姿のような気がする。

It made me think a little about the concept of "delicious" that is often said in this era. To make it delicious, I feel that the original appearance is that "the taste changes and the taste changes according to the scene and emotions at that time."


一茶庵稽古追想(文人会一茶庵於)  レポート & 写真/ 渡邉雄二

Reported & Photos / Yuji Watanabe

