
尾道映画祭の「未来」は、尾道を愛する人たちのエネルギーでつくられる  The "future" of the Onomichi Film Festival is created with the energy of those who love Onomichi.


For the first time, I participated in the "Onomichi Film Festival" and watched some of the films that were screened. Ten films were screened this year, and the theme was "Writers, Onomichi, and the Future," and I got the impression that it was a film festival supported by many film fans who love Onomichi.

そのかわぐち氏の、パンフレットの表紙のコメントに、「尾道のまちは、2次元ではなく3次元のまち」と書いている。3次元は立体的な世界ともいい、自分の生活を客観視できる空間だ、と表現している。この言葉を読んだとき、まさに! と。漫画の世界観ならではの言葉のように感じた。さらに、立体的な3次元の空間を持ったまち、尾道で育った経験は大きく自分の感性に影響を受けているという。
残念ながら時間の都合で、同氏の “生きざま” を生の言葉で聞くことはできなかった。

After the opening ceremony on the 18th, "Aircraft Carrier Ibuki" took the lead in the screening movie. This is a movie adaptation of the manga serialized in Shogakukan's "Big Comic". After the original author, Kaiji Kawaguchi, was on stage as a guest. He is one of Japan's leading manga artists from Onomichi (Mukaishima) and is the creator of many hits.
In a comment on the cover of the pamphlet by Mr. Kawaguchi, he wrote, "The town of Onomichi is a three-dimensional town, not a two-dimensional town." Three-dimensional is also called a three-dimensional world, and it is expressed as a space where you can objectively see your life. When I read this word, it was exactly! I felt it was a word unique to the world of manga. In addition, the experience of growing up in Onomichi, a town with a three-dimensional space, is greatly influenced by his sensibility.
Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I couldn't hear his "lifestyle" in raw language.

片山慎三監督の商業映画デビュー作である。大阪出身の片山監督が大阪・西成界隈をロケ地に選び、商業性を意識しながらも社会性の強いテーマに取り組んだ作品。どういう展開になるのかな? と思わせながら、また最後で、これ、どういうこと? と考えさせられる結末になっていた。
The screening from the afternoon at the Shimanami Exchange Center is "Search". I was looking forward to seeing this work for the first time. This is the commercial movie debut directed by Shinzo Katayama. Director Katayama from Osaka chose the Nishinari area of ​​Osaka as a location and worked on a theme with strong sociality while being conscious of commerciality. While wondering what kind of development it would be, at the end, it was the end that made me wonder what this was.
Although it was a serious work, it also expressed a lot of comical scenes. Mr. Katayama chose to star in is Jiro Sato. Mr. Sato, who continues to play an active role in a wide range of fields including movies, TV dramas, plays, variety shows, and even movie directors, seems to have responded to the director's aspirations. The acting that expresses the bottomless awesomeness and laughter is exactly the true value of Mr. Sato, and I was shown it.
Mr. Sato, who played the leading role, took the stage at the talk show after the movie. It was his first time in Onomichi, so he behaved happily. He appeared by pushing the piano with the staff to prepare for the stage until the talk show started. The face around here may be a variety of appearances of Mr. Sato. I guess it was a funny fan service.
At the request of Mr. Sato, the talk show was held in a format that answers questions from customers.


Ask the customer's questions while joking with the facilitator. At first, I was worried that this would be a talk show, but I was surprised when I opened the lid. I was surprised at the content of the question that made me think of a preliminary scenario. Ask questions while talking about one scene of the movie and your impressions of seeing the detailed situation of that scene. I felt the humanity and actor spirit of Mr. Sato who sincerely responded to the questions from more than 10 fans, and the customers who participated seemed to be satisfied. 


When the name of the film festival is given like this time, you can hear the live voices of many filmmakers. The highlights of the movie, the story behind the filming, and the director's feelings for the movie make the movie more enjoyable. Also, I'm looking forward to next year's Onomichi Film Festival. 

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二・尾道映画祭実行委員会

