心にスキができている、と反省 【仏画曼荼羅アート】 Reflecting on the fact that the student has a thought in the heart
Yesterday, we drew an enso at the Buddhist painting mandala art class at Butsunichi-ji.
In each classroom, they draw a circle and have them actually experience how to carry and enjoy the brush. It is one of the subjects that can express the dynamic feeling unique to sumi, and it is a simple but deep challenge.
The works introduced this time are a group of works that challenged the Enso with the collaboration work of Dainichi Nyorai and Heart Sutra, which was the previous issue. In addition to Dainichi Nyorai and Heart Sutra, let's show works that challenge Amida Nyorai and Sanbutuge. Since that person has experience in making Buddhist paintings, it was a wonderful work (top photo).
And this time, the enso(circle) you drew are all works that are full of individuality. "Mind," "comfort," and "space" were drawn in the overlapping circles. I'm a little surprised at the imagination that can react like this to my first task.
One person looks at her work and says a word while making an announcement. "There was a gap in the overlapping circles. I drew the letters of my heart, but I have a thought in my heart." Everyone "Deep ~ !" With a big laugh.
リポート & 写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe 作品/ 佛日寺教室の皆さん