大日如来の化身が、「あだち幸不動明王」に見えてきた The incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai has begun to look like "Adachi Sachi Fudo Myoo"
In June of this year, Sachi Adachi's "Fudo Myoo" was dedicated to Ninna-ji Temple, a World Cultural Heritage site. I introduced this matter before, but now that I have visited Ninna-ji Temple, I have finally come to see the real thing. I was invited on the day of the dedication, but unfortunately I couldn't attend because of some errands, so I was looking forward to this visit.
前回の記事で作品を紹介したが、改めて少しふれてみたいと思う。あだちさんの不動明王は真っ赤に燃える炎を背に何かと対峙し、この世を救済する力強いエネルギーに満ち溢れているように描かれている。この迫力は、私が見た不動明王の中でも満悦至極の傑作と思っている。密教特有の尊格である明王の一尊である不動明王は大日如来の化身とも言われているが、これは、まさに “あだち幸不動明王” である。
I introduced the work in the previous article, but I would like to touch on it again. Adachi-san's Fudo Myoo is depicted as being full of powerful energy to save the world by confronting something with a bright red flame in own back. I think this power is the ultimate masterpiece of the Fudo Myoo I have seen. Fudo Myoo, one of the esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist priests, is said to be the incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai.
This time, it was dedicated to Ninna-ji Temple and exhibited at Kuroshoin. Since it is through the glass, the outside scenery is reflected on the glass and reflected in the daytime. It was a pity that it was hard to see even if it was an unavoidable measure. Still, I put it in my smartphone. I would like to introduce it because it is a little fantastic photos.
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 一部の写真/ あだち幸工房より提供 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe