八坂神社は、神様を祀る神殿と人が拝む拝殿が寺のように一体 At Yasaka Shrine, the temple that worships the god and the hall of worship that people worship are integrated like a temple.
The other day, I visited Yasaka Shrine. It seems that the current main shrine has been built for nearly 370 years.The main shrine was designated as a national treasure two years ago and I felt like walking around the shrine precincts.
When I started living in Kyoto half a century ago, when I went to Yasaka Shrine with a friend on the way back from Gion Matsuri, we had a problem. It became a connection with Yasaka Shrine and left an impressive impression as a nostalgic memory.
As you know, Yasaka Shrine is at the eastern end of Shijo-dori. It is so famous that no one knows it. As "Gion-san", it has been familiar to the people of Kyoto for a long time, and it has become a shrine for exterminating plagues with Susanoo-no-Mikoto as the main deity and Yakushi Nyorai as the Honjibutsu. The prayer led to the Gion faith and led to the Three Great Festivals of Japan, Gion Festival.
The main shrine of Yasaka Shrine is a building with a slightly unusual architectural style called "Gion-zukuri". The feature is that the temple that worships God and the hall of worship that people worship is integrated like a temple. It has a unique appearance with eaves on both sides and the back. The roof is made of cypress bark.
The architecture is unknown to the outsiders, but according to the materials (designated as a national treasure), it was built in the early Edo period as a building that inherited the tradition and conveys the spatial composition of the architecture of the Heian period and clearly shows the relationship between the religious rituals of the Middle Ages and the building. What has been done has high value in the history of Japanese architecture. In addition, the fact that this main shrine has been maintained by the people who carry out the Gion Festival up to now has deep cultural historical significance. It seems that.

本殿の前にある「舞殿」では数々の奉納の行事が行われているが、今はただただ静寂の中に包まれている。聞こえてくるのは本殿の鈴の音だけ。千年以上の伝統を誇る華麗な祭礼祇園祭は、どうなるのだろう? と思いながら手を合わせた。
Many dedication events are held at the "Maiden" in front of the main shrine, but now it is just surrounded by silence. All you can hear is the sound of the bells in the main shrine. l joined hands wondering what would happen to the splendid Gion Festival, which boasts a tradition of over a thousand years.

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe