夏の茂り 第一小節「端午の節句」【袋中菴 幻の花 写真集】 Summer bush 1st bar "Boy’s Festival" [Taichu-an Phantom Flower Photobook]
“秋に色づき実り”からスタートし、一年の暦に移ろう花々が紹介されている袋中菴の「幻の花」シリーズは最終章である “夏に茂り“を迎えた。この夏に茂りは三小節に分けて紹介させていただく。
Taichu-an's "Phantom Flower" series, which starts with "coloring and fruiting in autumn" and introduces flowers that will move to the calendar of the year, has reached its final chapter, "Summer bush". This summer, I will introduce the bushes in three measures.
The flowers related to the "Boy’s Festival", which is a celebration of early summer, will be the center.
ln the armpit decoration of the Dragon Boat Festival, princess irises are neatly laid on the left and right, centering on the wooden horse, in prayer for the healthy growth of the boy. Arranged with a modern feel.
花は、瑠璃虎の尾 撫子 マトリカリア。
Next, the festive form of the Boy’s Festival. While wishing to be heroic like a tiger, the dianthus that one day meets is accompanied by flowers. The fold shape draws the creases clearly and expresses the boyishness.
The flowers are Nadeshiko Matricaria Tail of Ruri tiger.
花は椿 唐子 都忘れ
This is a "sealed flower". When it gets warmer, it gets excited. It's fun to play hide-and-seek with a camellia in a glass case and play with the cheerfulness of spring.
The flower is Tsubaki Karako Forget the capital
"Celebration flower" in early summer. Iris laevigata is a flower that represents early summer, along with iris. At the time of the Boy’s Festival, the leaves are still weak and some leaves can be seen through the sunlight. It is also a wild hobby to make three bodies, stop the waterside cleanly, and live in a tub.
夏の茂りの第一小節の終わりは「風光る花」。五月に入ると、緑も生き生きとしてくる。そんな若葉一色の中に、朱塗りの鉢を置くだけで自然の美しさに磨きがかかる。花は菖蒲の葉 つくも ニューギニアインパチェンス
The end of the first bar of the summer bush is "Sparkling flowers". In May, the greenery comes alive. The beauty of nature can be refined just by placing a red-painted pot in such a young leaf.Flowers are lris leaves Tsukumo New Guinea Impatiens
As the first bar of the final chapter of the Taichu-an "Phantom Flower" series, l picked up the flowers related to "Boy’s Festival" from the photo book. Flowers represent seasons and events. It seems that the mystery of the "Yamashina Goryu" flower arrangement, which is transmitted to Taichu-an, can be seen through the flowers.
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 写真集/ 袋中菴 幻の花 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe