
七夕の夜に、針に糸を通す。裁縫が上達しますように、と。【七夕Ⅱ】On the night of Tanabata, thread the needle. Hopefully weaving and sewing will improve.


As I wrote in the last article, in China, Tanabata was called "Kikkou". When it was introduced to Japan, it seems that the word "Tanabata" was used instead of "Tanabata".


The reason is that the Shukujyo star that appeared in Tanabata was supposed to be the star of the weaving and sewing work, and the Kengyu star was the star of agricultural work.


It is said that prayed the weaving and sewing could be improved as a result of the weaving star. I hear that there is still a custom in China that an altar is set up in the garden on the night of Tanabata and prayers are offered to the stars, such as needles, and the threads of the needles are threaded under the moonlight.

そのような “棚機伝説” が日本に伝わり、“七夕伝説” に変わっていった。伝わった当初の棚機がいまもそのままの“棚機伝説” ならきっと日本の織物関係、繊維関係、アパレル関係の企業等は業界PRとして新たな伝説を創り上げていたかもしれない。だが、残念ながらそういったという話は聞いたことがない。 

Such a “Tanabata legend” was introduced to Japan and turned into “Tanabata legend”. If the Tanabata was introduced to Japan is still continuing, it wouldn't be strange for Japanese textile-related, and fashion-related companies to collaborate with "The Legend of Tanabata". But it was said that they were connected. I have never heard of it.

織女星と牽牛星、天の川、上弦の月という題材をフルに使ってメルヘンティックな世界に誘ってくれる「七夕」は、いまでは子どもたちの “願い事” をかなえるための祈り祭事として楽しまれている。

Tanabata, which invites you to the fairy-tale world by making full use of the themes of Shukujyo star and Kengyu star, the Milky Way, and the Moon of the First Quarter, is now enjoyed as a prayer festival to fulfill the wishes of children.


By the way, in China, there seems to be a picture of a starry night staring the Orihime star passing a thread over the moon. (Photo)

レポート  / 渡邉雄二 写真 /  ネット「乞巧」画像より転載

Reported by Yuji Watanabe     photos from the Internet

