初回の今日は、私が「Evaluation Roots」の概要をまとめて話題提供をさせていただき、参加者の先生方とディスカッションをさせていただきました。
このEvaluation Rootsという書籍は、私が評価学を教える時に、最初に取り扱う書籍です。いわば評価の世界の「伝記」のようなもの。
This year, the "Value Judgment Research Group" was launched at the Japan Evaluation Society.
The group meets every two months, and we will read, discuss, and learn from major publications and research papers on evaluation studies.
Today, I presented a summary of "Evaluation Roots" as a topic for discussion with the participating researchers and practitioners.
This book, Evaluation Roots, is the first book I cover when I teach evaluation studies.
Evaluation Roots - Theory Influencing Practice. 3rd ed.
Alkin and Christie (ed.). Guilford Press, 2023.
This is a collection of essays that is also an academic book, filled with the genuine thoughts at the root (Roots) of each theory proponent.
Although there is no Japanese edition of the book, I hope the reading group will eventually expand, and we can publish a translated version.
#evaluation #EvaluationResearch #value #research
#評価 #価値観 #価値判断 #日本評価学会