This is my brand-new smartphone. I was telling you about it.
This is my brand-new smartphone about which I was telling you.
このとき「I was telling you about it」に「it」は、「about」の目的語(「~を」「~に」の「~」にあたる言葉。動詞の動作が及ぶ対象や動作の目的を示す言葉。この場合、aboutは、動詞ではありませんが、「about=~について」の意味で「~」にあたる部分(aboutが指し示す対象物)は「it」)
with which、from which、above which、after which、against which、among which、around which、at which、below which、between which、beyond which、by which、by means of which、during which、for which、from which、in which、into which(その中に)、of which(その)、on which、out of which、over which、to which、through which、under which、upon which等、様々なものがあります。
今回は、上記の中から、多くみかけるfrom which(*そこから)、in which(*その中に)、of which(*その)、on which(*その上に)を例にとります。
from which
This is Monet’s masterpiece. + He was inspired from Monet’s masterpiece.
This is Monet’s masterpiece from which he was inspired.
She is trying to find an apartment. + Her office is within a short walking distance from an apartment.
She is trying to find an apartment from which her office is within a short walking distance.
in which
This is the place. + We lived in the place in my childhood.
This is the place in which we lived in my childhood.
I love spring. + Many beautiful flowers bloom in spring.
I love spring in which many beautiful flowers bloom.
of which
This is the lake. Water of the lake is very cold and clear.
This is the lake of which water is very cold and clear.
There are a lot of words. + I don’t know the meaning of those words.
There are a lot of words of which I don’t know the meaning.
on which
The water surface inside the reef is calm. + I floated a boat on it.
The water surface inside the reef is calm on which I floated a boat
It was said that the country on which the sun never sets.
*from which(そこから)、in which(その中に)、of which(その)、on which(その上に)について、()内に一応の暫定訳は付けましたが、「前置詞+関係代名詞」は、文章の一部であり、実際には前後の文脈により、適切な訳語が必要とされるので、上記の暫定訳が当てはまらない場合も多く、これらの暫定訳はあくまで参考程度です。
3. 英文契約書の例
This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, all of which will constitute one agreement. (本契約は、複数の正副本を作成することができる。これらのすべては、1個の契約を構成する)
The Buyer shall return to the product to the shop from which the Buyer acquired it within thirty (30) day after the purchase thereof if he or she desires to return the purchased product. (購入者が、購入した製品の返品を望む場合、購入後30日以内に製品を購入した店舗に製品を返品する)
The shareholder registry shall record the date on which the name of each Shareholder was entered in it and the date on which he or she ceased to the Shareholder. (株主名簿には、各株主の氏名が記載された日付と、株主が辞任した日付を記録する)
The entruster shall notify the trustee of the manner in which the equipment is used prior to the commencement of the Service. (委託者は、役務を開始する前に機器の使用方法を受託者に通知する)
「前置詞+関係代名詞」について、ざっと見てきました。文法的な部分にはできるだけ立ち入らないようにしました。関係代名詞については、上記でとりあげたほかに、「who」、「whose」とか「that」や、例えば、場所を表すもの、例えば「on which」、「in which」などは、場合により「where」を使って表すこともできます。次回は、このあたりについてみてみます。