椿は日本原産の植物。5〜10メートルくらいが標準的な高さだそうですが、15メートルほどになるものも。ただ、成長が遅いのが特徴。ゆっくり大きくなり、そして長寿。英語名は、Camellia Japonica。学名と同じ英語名は珍しいそう。日本オリジナル!っていう感じがしていいですね。
ちなみに、私の好みの子は可愛らしいポピーのような「石鎚」と、まるで白薔薇な「Alba Plena」。そのほかにも黄色や黒い椿も!!
There’s a set of about 20 steps at my neighborhood shrine leading from the main hall to the street. Beside those steps, I noticed a charming flower blooming.
【Ichirin’s Ikebana 🌸 Early-Blooming Camellia】
The flower was a vibrant pink camellia with delicate, ruffled petals. Camellias are typically associated with winter, so I thought, “Already blooming?!”
In fact, some varieties of camellias start flowering as early as September. The one I saw was an early-blooming type, blooming right on schedule and not by mistake.
Curious about the variety, I searched “early-blooming camellia” as soon as I got home.
While I couldn’t find an exact match, I think it might be a type known as “Daikagura.”
Camellias are native to Japan, typically growing 5 to 10 meters tall, though some reach around 15 meters. Known for slow growth, camellias are also long-lived. Interestingly, its English name is the same as its scientific name: Camellia Japonica. It’s rare to see an English name identical to the scientific one—adding to its Japanese charm!
Camellias are unique in that when they finish blooming, the entire flower drops, leaving behind the calyx. This characteristic made samurai view them with a bit of unease, as it symbolized a falling head. But this notion only started in later years; camellias were long considered a lucky plant. By the Edo period, a camellia trend took off, with people avidly developing new varieties. In 1630, for example, an illustrated scroll titled “One Hundred Camellias” was created by the artist Kanō Sanraku (held at the Nezu Museum). Just a few years later, in 1634, Mitsuhiro Karasumaru cataloged 619 types in his work “Camellia Flower Pictorial.”
I found it fascinating that various regions in Japan have folktales of camellias taking on supernatural forms with age. For example, in Niigata, there’s a tale of a camellia wood mallet transforming into a ghost haunting an abandoned temple. In Shimane, a similar legend tells of an ancient camellia root turning into a creature called the Ushi-Oni. Imagine the possibilities of more such tales scattered across Japan! If I were still in school, I’d be tempted to write a thesis on this topic.
To close, here’s the flower language of the camellia: “modest kindness.”
While some camellias are unexpectedly glamorous, many, like the common Yabutsubaki, bloom quietly and blend in harmoniously with their surroundings, whether in forests or urban neighborhoods.
Camellias’ long-lasting beauty offers us endless moments of enjoyment, why not explore the different types of camellias too? I’ll leave a link at the end for more information!
Personally, I’m fond of the charming “Ishizuchi,” which looks like a petite poppy, and the white-rose-like “Alba Plena.” There are even yellow and black camellias!
Link: https://www.flower-db.com/ja/features/camellia
[Editorial Note 🥀]
One of our students, who usually joins our ikebana classes online from Shiga Prefecture, recently visited Tokyo and joined us in person! The session was lively, filled with conversations and laughter among the students. Connecting through flowers is such a joy—it was an unforgettable time!
ichirinフラワーアレンジメントスクール・龍生派一綸いけばな教室 受講者募集中!
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