
Effects of Voice Training(ボイストレーニングの効果)

Starting this month, I've been taking voice trainer Mika-san's "Abdominal Breathing Program." The reason I decided to take this program due to the number of my "stamd.fm" followers were approaching 100. 

Because I've never been good at talking, so I started "stand.fm" that would be a good way to practice talking. However, I conteinued to take baby steps, and thankfully the number of followers gradully increased.

I think it's a pretty number for an audio distribution media to have triple-digit followers. When I thought about how many people were listening to my streams, I wanted to talk in as good a voice as possible.

The first lecture was on November 6th, so I immediately watched the video and practiced abdominal breathing. After that, my voice really improved! Of courese, this stream of ECD was recorded after that, so I think you'll notice that my voice has changed.

I've also heard that abdominal breathing can help you produce a higher-pitched voice, so I tried this to see if it really worked. On the 11th of every month, an event called MSD is held at the "stand.fm", so I tried singing a female vocalist song.

 The song I chose was "GO FOR IT!!" by Nishino Kana san. I thought I would sing a song that is the polar opposite of myself and I wanted to feel the effects of abdominal breathing.

And when I tried singing while foucusing on abdominal breathing, I was able to sing it in the original key! Nobady expected that I sang Nishino kana san's song at MSD, so there was a big reaction at that time.

In this way, my voice has changed so much since reciving Mika-san's voice traning,  I'm really glad taking her "Abdominal Breathing Program."

The courses are scheduled to run until the end of November, so I hope to take lectures in enthousiasm and continue to improve my voice!






私が選んだ曲は、西野カナさんの「GO FOR IT !!」。どうせなら自分と対極にある曲を歌って、腹式呼吸の効果を実感してみたいと思いました。



