









In conclusion, what you need to do is wash the rice and then drain the water. After that, add clean water according to the required amount.

First, scoop one or two cups of rice. Then, if you have one cup of rice, fill the water up to the line marked "1"; if you have two cups, fill it to the line marked "2".

Next, this central button is the switch. Press it and set the mode to "cook". After that, just wait, and the rice will cook automatically.

You might need to make slight adjustments to the quantities, so try it out and adjust as necessary.







| English Expression                | Explanation                                                                                              | Example Sentence                                                                                       |
| **Cramp**                         | A sudden, involuntary muscle contraction that is often painful.                                          | "I got a cramp in my leg during the marathon."                                                         |
| **Can we pay by each?**           | Asking if each person can pay for their own portion or item separately.                                  | "Can we pay by each? It's easier to split the bill that way."                                          |
| **Double-touched in the air**     | Likely a phrase describing a situation where something is touched twice while airborne, possibly in sports. | "The ball was double-touched in the air before it hit the ground."                                      |
| **How are you?**                  | A common greeting that inquires about a person's well-being.                                             | "Hi John, how are you today?"                                                                          |
| **How's it going?**               | A casual greeting asking about a person's general state or situation.                                    | "Hey, how's it going? Haven't seen you in a while!"                                                    |
| **How are you doing?**            | Similar to "How are you?" but can be more informal.                                                      | "How are you doing? Hope everything is okay."                                                          |
| **What's up?**                    | Very informal greeting, asking what is currently happening or what is currently of interest.             | "What's up? Any plans for the weekend?"                                                                |
| **How's everything?**             | A broad inquiry into a person's life or current situations.                                              | "You've been quiet lately, how's everything at home?"                                                  |
| **How's life?**                   | A casual phrase asking about a person's life in general.                                                 | "It's been ages since we last met. How's life treating you?"                                           |
| **How have you been?**            | Used to ask someone about their condition or what they have been doing since the last time you met.      | "How have you been since the last time we spoke?"                                                      |
| **How are things?**               | A general inquiry about someone's personal or professional life.                                         | "How are things with the new job?"                                                                     |
| **What's going on?**              | Asking for the latest news or developments in someone's life or in a particular situation.               | "What's going on? I heard there was some excitement at the office today."                              |
| **How's your day?**               | Inquires about how someone's day is going or how it went.                                                | "How's your day been so far?"                                                                          |
| **Touch base with**               | To make contact with someone, usually to discuss something briefly.                                      | "Let's touch base with the team to see where they are with the project."                               |
| **What time is the closing time?**| Asking for the specific time when a place or event will close or end.                                    | "What time is the closing time for the store? I need to pick something up after work."                  |
| **You almost made it, Venezuela!**                       | An expression of encouragement or commiseration, suggesting that someone or something came close to success but did not fully achieve it. | "You almost made it, Venezuela! Next time you'll clinch the win."                                        |
| **Then go out with me**                                  | A direct invitation asking someone to date or spend time together socially.                         | "If you're free this weekend, then go out with me to see the new movie."                                |
| **This is the third time**                               | A phrase indicating repetition or a recurring situation or event for the third time.                | "This is the third time you've asked me that question today."                                            |
| **Tailored to the role**                                 | Customized or specifically designed to fit the requirements of a particular role or job.            | "The training program is tailored to the role, ensuring all new hires are well-prepared."               |
| **Time spent using English and time spent using Japanese have completely reversed.** | Indicates a complete switch in the frequency or duration of use between two languages.               | "When I moved to Japan, the time spent using English and time spent using Japanese have completely reversed." |








| English Expression                                                  | Explanation                                                                                                                | Example Sentence                                                                                                         |
| **Resilience**                                                      | The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.                                                               | "The community showed great resilience in the aftermath of the storm."                                                   |
| **Plenary for overall list**                                        | A session where everyone participates, used for reviewing a comprehensive list.                                            | "We'll review the overall list of project tasks in the plenary session."                                                 |
| **Brainstorm ideas on tables**                                      | A method of generating ideas by writing them down on paper placed on tables, often in a group setting.                      | "Let's brainstorm ideas on tables to gather different perspectives."                                                     |
| **No worry about it**                                               | Informal way to tell someone not to worry about a particular thing.                                                        | "You forgot to bring the documents? No worry about it, we can work without them today."                                  |
| **Lay out the picture cards**                                       | To arrange picture cards visibly so participants can view them.                                                            | "Please lay out the picture cards on the table before the students arrive."                                              |
| **The key element is to probe**                                     | The most important part is to examine or ask questions deeply.                                                              | "The key element is to probe into why changes occurred this quarter."                                                    |
| **If not immediately obvious**                                      | If something is not clear or apparent right away.                                                                          | "We may need to look closer if the solution is not immediately obvious."                                                 |
| **How is that related to the theme?**                               | Asking how something is connected or relevant to the main topic or theme.                                                   | "You mentioned global warming, but how is that related to the theme of economic development?"                            |
| **Mineral extraction on the moon or other planets**                 | The process of removing minerals from the moon or other celestial bodies for use.                                           | "The conference discussed the potential environmental impacts of mineral extraction on the moon."                        |
| **Funding of space exploration**                                    | The financial support provided for projects that explore outer space.                                                       | "The government increased funding of space exploration in hopes of fostering new technological advances."                 |
| **National prioritisation of funding of space programmes versus poverty reduction** | Debating whether to allocate funds to space programs or to efforts aimed at reducing poverty.  | "We need to discuss the national prioritisation of funding of space programmes versus poverty reduction."                |
| **Have someone document those ideas for feedback in the plenary**   | Assign someone the task of recording ideas during a session to discuss them later in a full meeting.                        | "Can we have someone document those ideas for feedback in the plenary?"                                                  |
| **Advocacy**                                                        | Public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy.                                                       | "Her advocacy for clean oceans has led to widespread community action."                                                  |
| **Delegation**                                                      | The act of assigning responsibility or authority to another person to carry out specific activities.                       | "Effective delegation is crucial for management as it helps distribute the workload."                                    |
| **Delegation of authority**                                         | The process by which authority is distributed to lower-level employees or departments within an organization.              | "The delegation of authority has empowered more employees to make decisions."                                            |
| **Consolidating a list of potential mission options**               | Combining various mission options into a single, organized list.                                                           | "We're consolidating a list of potential mission options to present at the next board meeting."                          |
| **What are you motivated to work on?**                              | Asking someone about their interest or enthusiasm towards specific tasks or projects.                                      | "As we plan our project phases, what are you motivated to work on?"                                                      |
| **Sticky note**                                                     | A small piece of paper with a re-adherable strip of glue on its back, made for temporarily attaching notes to documents and other surfaces. | "Write your ideas on a sticky note and stick it on the board for everyone to see."                                       |
| **Legible**                                                         | Clear enough to read.                                                                                                      | "Please ensure your writing is legible so everyone can understand the notes."                                            |
| **Reallocated**                                                     | Adjusted the distribution or assignment of resources or duties.                                                            | "The project funds were reallocated to ensure the critical phases were well-funded."                                     |
| **Of interest to them**                                             | Something that attracts attention or concern from someone.                                                                 | "Choose a topic that is of interest to them to keep them engaged."                                                       |
| **The sentences should be succinct so ask them if they think it is clear** | Advising that statements should be concise and checking for clarity.                                   | "The sentences should be succinct so ask them if they think it is clear during the review."                             |
| **Developing the mandate**                                          | Formulating or establishing an authoritative command or instruction.                                                       | "The committee is responsible for developing the mandate for the new policy."                                            |
| **Institutions**                                                    | Established organizations or foundations, especially ones dedicated to education, public service, or culture.              | "Institutions like universities play a crucial role in research and development."                                       |
| **The who may come out in the discussion of types of support**      | The discussion might reveal who is involved or affected by the support discussed.                                          | "During our meeting, the who may come out in the discussion of types of support we offer."                              |
| **Lovely**                                                          | Delightful or very pleasant.                                                                                               | "We had a lovely time at the dinner party last night."                                                                  |
| **Does anyone like musical?**                                       | Asking a group if anyone enjoys musicals.                                                                                  | "Does anyone like musical theatre here? There's a great show playing downtown."                                         |
| **Innumerable**                                                     | Too many to be counted.                                                                                                    | "There are innumerable stars in the sky on a clear night."                                                              |
| **With dialects emerging**                                          | Refers to new varieties or sub-forms of languages developing within a community.                                           | "With dialects emerging, the language landscape of the region is rapidly changing."                                     |
| **Blatant**                                                         | Completely lacking in subtlety; very obvious.                                                                              | "He showed blatant disregard for the rules."                                                                            |
| **Circular motion**                                                 | Movement in a round path or loop.                                                                                          | "The planets move in a circular motion around the sun."                                                                 |
| **Sophisticated abstractions**                                      | Complex ideas or thoughts that are not based on physical realities.                                                        | "Philosophy often deals with sophisticated abstractions about existence and knowledge."                                 |
| **Embrace**                                                         | To accept something enthusiastically.                                                                                      | "You should embrace new challenges as opportunities to grow."                                                           |
| **Revitalization**                                                  | The action of imbuing something with new life and vitality.                                                                | "The downtown area has undergone revitalization, with new shops and cafes attracting tourists."                         |
| **Do we sometimes need to translate English into Japanese?**        | Asking if there is occasionally a need to convert English text into Japanese.                                              | "In our meetings, do we sometimes need to translate English into Japanese for clarity?"                                 |
| **I don't want to force them to listen because their own participation is most important.** | Expressing a preference for voluntary participation over compelled attendance.                        | "I don't want to force them to listen because their own participation is what truly adds value to our discussions."    |
| **Clarity**                                                         | The quality of being clear and understandable.                                                                             | "For effective communication, clarity is essential."                                                                    |
| **Mix up**                                                          | To confuse one thing with another.                                                                                         | "I always mix up the twins' names; they look so alike!"                                                                 |
| **Organize**                                                        | To arrange or order things so that they can be found or used easily.                                                       | "Please organize the files by date so we can access them quickly."                                                      |
| **The conversation gets lost**                                      | A discussion becomes unclear or strays from the original topic.                                                            | "When too many people talk at once, the conversation gets lost."                                                        |
| **Time Management**                                                 | The ability to use one's time effectively or productively.                                                                 | "Good time management is crucial for meeting work deadlines."                                                           |
| **Put your phone under the table**                                  | Suggesting that phones be kept out of sight during meetings or gatherings to minimize distractions.                        | "During the exam, students are required to put their phones under the table."                                           |
| **Keep recording**                                                  | Continue capturing audio or video.                                                                                         | "Keep recording while I demonstrate how to solve the problem."                                                          |
| **Showing empathy**                                                 | The action of understanding, being aware of, and being sensitive to another's feelings, thoughts, and experiences.        | "Showing empathy in customer service can lead to better satisfaction ratings."                                          |
| **Various ideas will likely come up, so I think it's important to organize the discussion from time to time** | Suggesting periodic organization of a discussion due to the emergence of diverse thoughts.         | "Various ideas will likely come up during the brainstorming session, so let's summarize them regularly."               |
| **How to Give Feedback**                                            | Discussing or describing the methods or best practices for providing constructive criticism or evaluations.               | "Today's training session will cover how to give feedback effectively."                                                 |
| **Repetition and confirmation**                                     | The technique of repeating and confirming information to ensure accuracy and understanding.                              | "Through repetition and confirmation, we can ensure that everyone has understood the main points."                      |
| **Divide and mix people**                                           | To separate people into groups and then recombine them differently to increase diversity of interaction.                  | "To enhance collaboration, let's divide and mix people from different departments in the workshop."                    |
| **Questions (tell me more about that or please describe it or What do you think about this topic?)** | Specific inquiries used to elicit more information or opinion during a conversation.              | "During the interview, she used open-ended questions like 'What do you think about this topic?' to gather insights."   |
| **Summarise**                                                       | To make a concise statement of the main points of (a piece of writing or speech).                                          | "At the end of the meeting, could you summarise the key decisions?"                                                     |
| **Direct and control**                                              | To manage or govern people or situations with authority.                                                                   | "As a project manager, it's your job to direct and control the workflow to meet deadlines."                             |
| **Three weeks to go**                                               | Indicates that there are three weeks remaining until a particular event or deadline.                                      | "Just three weeks to go until the product launch, so let's finalize all the details!"                                   |





Gentrification is a process whereby a deteriorated urban neighborhood undergoes revitalization and rebuilding, attracting a more affluent population. This influx of wealthier residents often leads to increased property values and rents, which can result in the displacement of long-time, lower-income residents. Key features of gentrification include

1. Economic Investment
New businesses, cafes, and restaurants open, often followed by the upgrading of infrastructure and housing.

2. Demographic Changes
There is an increase in higher-income individuals and families moving into the area, while lower-income residents may be forced to leave due to rising costs.

3. Cultural Shift
The neighborhood's culture and character can change, reflecting the tastes and preferences of the new residents.

4. Improved Services
Enhanced public services, such as better schools, parks, and public safety, often accompany gentrification.

While gentrification can bring economic development and reduced crime, it also raises concerns about displacement, loss of affordable housing, and the erosion of community identity.



1. 経済投資

2. 人口の変化

3. 文化の変化

4. サービスの向上






| English Expression               | Explanation                                                                                               | Example Sentence                                                                                           |
| **Run-down area**                | A neighborhood or area that is dilapidated and in poor condition.                                         | "The city has plans to revitalize the run-down area near the riverfront."                                  |
| **Community initiative**         | A project or movement started by individuals within a community to address local issues.                  | "The community initiative focused on cleaning up local parks was a huge success."                          |
| **Initiating**                   | The act of beginning or starting something.                                                               | "Initiating a new public health campaign can significantly impact community wellness."                     |
| **Disused plot of land**         | An area of land that is no longer in use for any purpose.                                                 | "They transformed the disused plot of land into a community garden."                                       |
| **Rough neighborhood**           | An area known for high crime rates or social disorder.                                                    | "Despite being a rough neighborhood, there are ongoing efforts to improve safety and amenities."           |
| **Vibrant space**                | An area full of energy and activity, often used to describe revitalized urban environments.               | "The once-abandoned warehouse district is now a vibrant space with cafes and art galleries."               |
| **Riot**                         | A violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.                                                            | "The protest turned into a riot, with significant damage to properties."                                   |
| **Sum up the mission**           | To give a brief statement of the main points of something.                                                | "Could you sum up the mission of our organization for the new members?"                                    |
| **Government grants**            | Financial awards given by the government to fund specific projects or research.                           | "The research team received government grants to study environmental changes in the region."               |
| **Gentrification**               | The process of renovating and improving a house or district so that it conforms to middle-class taste.    | "Gentrification has changed the character of the neighborhood, attracting new businesses and residents."   |
| **Increased their rents**        | Raised the cost of renting housing or commercial spaces.                                                  | "The landlords increased their rents, forcing some long-time tenants to move out."                         |
| **Neglected**                    | Suffering a lack of proper care.                                                                          | "The neglected park became overgrown and littered with trash."                                             |
| **How else**                     | In what other ways or by what other methods.                                                              | "How else can we solve this problem if not through legislation?"                                           |
| **Ex-offenders**                 | Individuals who have previously been convicted of a crime.                                                | "The program aims to help ex-offenders reintegrate into society."                                          |
| **In what ways**                 | Asking about the different methods or approaches to something.                                            | "In what ways can we improve our customer service?"                                                       |
| **Neighborhood**                 | A district or community within a town or city.                                                            | "He grew up in a quiet neighborhood on the outskirts of the city."                                         |
| **Fully funded**                 | Completely provided with the necessary financial resources.                                               | "The scholarship program is fully funded by an endowment."                                                 |
| **Local politicians**            | Elected officials who serve at the local level of government.                                             | "Local politicians are attending the meeting to discuss community issues."                                 |
| **Resident**                     | A person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis.                                         | "Every resident of the building was invited to the meeting about the new management."                     |
| **Loaded word**                  | A word or phrase that carries strong emotional or cultural connotations beyond its standard meaning.      | "'Freedom' is a loaded word that can mean different things to different people."                           |
| **Other rather nondescript places** | Locations that lack distinctive or interesting features or characteristics.                             | "We toured several other rather nondescript places before finding the perfect venue."                      |
| **Nondescript**                  | Lacking distinctive or interesting features or characteristics.                                           | "The office building was nondescript, blending into the cityscape without notice."                         |
| **A pain in the neck**           | An idiom used to describe something or someone that is very annoying.                                     | "Organizing all these documents is a pain in the neck."                                                    |
| **Lose the heart of the community** | A phrase expressing the loss of the central, unifying elements that give a community its character.      | "Residents fear that continued commercial development will cause the area to lose the heart of the community." |
| **Quite cool**                   | Informal way of saying something is good or impressive.                                                   | "The new design for the café is quite cool, isn't it?"                                                     |
| **Built it up**                  | To develop something gradually, or to increase something.                                                  | "They built up the business from a small startup to a major player in the industry."                       |
| **Unpleasant**                   | Not enjoyable or pleasant.                                                                                | "The meeting turned unpleasant when the topic of layoffs was brought up."                                  |
| **Money dedicated to a cause**   | Funds specifically allocated for supporting a particular project or initiative.                           | "The charity event raised significant money dedicated to cancer research."                                 |
| **Kick out**                     | To force someone to leave or eject.                                                                       | "He was kicked out of the club for breaking the rules."                                                   |
| **On track**                     | Proceeding or progressing as planned or expected.                                                         | "The project is on track to be completed by the deadline."                                                 |
| **Precisely!**                   | Exactly or absolutely, used to agree with someone or confirm something.                                   | "Precisely! That's exactly what I meant."                                                                  |
| **Absolutely!**                  | Completely or totally, used to express strong agreement.                                                  | "Absolutely! I couldn't agree more."                                                                      |
| **Merchandise**                  | Goods that are bought and sold.                                                                           | "The store offers a wide range of sports merchandise."                                                     |
| **Souvenir**                     | A thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event.                                          | "I bought a small model of the Eiffel Tower as a souvenir of our trip to Paris."                           |
| **Beautification**               | The process of making visual improvements to a person, place, or thing.                                   | "The city council embarked on a beautification project for the downtown area."                             |
| **Displacement**                 | The forced movement of people from their locality or environment.                                         | "Urban development has led to the displacement of many long-time residents."                               |
| **Enhancement**                  | An improvement to the quality, value, or extent of something.                                             | "Enhancement of the public parks has made them more enjoyable for everyone."                               |
| **Equitable**                    | Fair and impartial.                                                                                      | "They are working towards a more equitable distribution of resources in the company."                     |
| **Infamous**                     | Well known for some bad quality or deed.                                                                 | "The company became infamous for its poor treatment of workers."                                           |
| **Investment**                   | The action or process of investing money for profit or material result.                                   | "A smart investment strategy can significantly increase your financial security."                          |
| **Multicultural**                | Relating to or constituting several cultural or ethnic groups within a society.                           | "The city is known for its vibrant multicultural community."                                               |
| **Out-price**                    | To charge someone a price for goods or services that they cannot afford.                                  | "Small businesses are being out-priced in the area due to rising rental costs."                             |
| **Regeneration**                 | The process of renewal, restoration, and growth.                                                          | "The regeneration of the old factory site into a residential area is nearly complete."                      |
| **Rough**                        | Having a coarse or uneven surface, often used metaphorically to describe a difficult or problematic area. | "It's a rough part of town, with high crime rates and economic troubles."                                   |
| **Transformation**               | A thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.                                                      | "The transformation of the waterfront area has attracted new businesses and tourists."                     |
| **Under-resourced**              | Lacking the necessary resources, such as money or staff, to function effectively.                         | "The school is under-resourced and struggles to meet the needs of its students."                            |







Is gentrification always bad? Your homework task is to write 180 - 200 word response to that question.

Please use relative clauses and the different vocabulary words from lesson one and two. List different pros and cons of gentrification and then decide on a final opinion.

Be sure to provide examples and reasons for your final opinion on gentrification.

First of all, I’ll refer to positive aspects of gentrification.

As you can see in the Pop Brixton video, gentrification like beautification reinforce unite of community by involving local people. To foster this type of connections is also important to enhance local economy and It might lead to creating new business or multicultural communities with strangers.

In addition, if gentrification was successful, a lot of tourists or strangers would come to the place and they would spend much money to buy food, merchandises, souvenirs and stuffs. It will allow local people who have their own shops to gain more money than ever.

Of course, the degree of this positive impact will differ from each country and city. In Japan, gentrification would work more affectively in particular local city which has small populations because new visitors would highly activate its small local economy.

While, I also need to mention about negative aspect. In some city, some residents would force to be displacement because of increased their rents. Thus, government grants need to be enriched to support such kind of people.

In conclusion, as I think positive aspect will be over negative aspect, gentrification is not always bad.











| English Expression                 | Explanation                                                                                              | Example Sentence                                                                                         |
| **The person walked straight past**| Indicates that someone moved directly by without stopping or noticing something nearby.                   | "I waved to greet him, but the person walked straight past without seeing me."                           |
| **Give your brain a break**        | A suggestion to stop engaging in intensive mental activities to rest and recover.                        | "After studying for hours, give your brain a break by going for a walk."                                 |
| **Look ahead**                     | To think about and plan for the future, rather than focusing on the present or past.                      | "It's important to look ahead and prepare for potential challenges in the project."                      |
| **Complimentary**                  | Free of charge or given as a courtesy.                                                                    | "The hotel provided complimentary breakfast for all its guests."                                         |
| **Awning**                         | A secondary covering attached to the exterior wall of a building, usually over windows or doors.         | "We sat under the awning to avoid the sun while having coffee."                                           |
| **Sort of**                        | Somewhat; to a certain extent, often used when the speaker is unsure or making an approximation.         | "It's sort of like seeing an old friend when you revisit your hometown."                                 |
| **Enhancement**                    | An improvement that makes something better or increases its value.                                       | "The software update includes several important enhancements for security."                              |
| **Equitable**                      | Fair and impartial; treating everyone equally.                                                           | "The resources were distributed in an equitable manner among all departments."                           |
| **Overcrowded**                    | Excessively filled with people, leaving little or no room for movement or improvement.                   | "The train was overcrowded during the morning commute."                                                  |
| **Skyscraper**                     | A very tall and continuously habitable building.                                                         | "The city's skyline is dominated by skyscrapers."                                                        |
| **Under-resourced**                | Lacking the necessary resources, such as money or staff, to function effectively.                        | "The school is under-resourced and struggles to meet the needs of its students."                         |
| **Loads of really**                | A colloquial way of saying a great amount of something, emphasizing quantity.                            | "We had loads of really interesting ideas during the brainstorming session."                             |
| **Bunch of stuff**                 | Informal expression referring to an assortment of things.                                                | "I have a bunch of stuff to take care of before the weekend."                                            |
| **Out-price**                      | To price goods or services at a level too expensive for certain people to afford.                         | "Rising real estate values can out-price local residents from their own neighborhoods."                 |
| **Divorce**                        | The legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body.                                  | "Their divorce was finalized last month."                                                                |
| **Enabitable**                     | Typically a misspelling or confusion with "inhabitable," meaning suitable to live in.                    | "The renovated building is now inhabitable and open to new tenants."                                     |
| **Omit**                           | Leave out or exclude, either intentionally or forgetfully.                                               | "He decided to omit the less important details to shorten the story."                                    |
| **Backwards**                      | In a reverse or backward direction.                                                                      | "Reading the text backwards can sometimes reveal hidden messages."                                       |
| **Somewhat**                       | To a certain degree; not very.                                                                           | "The process is somewhat complicated, but I'll help you understand it."                                  |
| **Physical condition**             | The state of one's bodily health and function.                                                           | "Maintaining good physical condition requires regular exercise and a balanced diet."                     |
| **My condition is better than yesterday** | A statement comparing one's current health or state to a previous time.              | "I was sick last week, but my condition is better than yesterday."                                       |
| **Grammatical improvements**       | Enhancements made to the syntax or structure of written or spoken language.                              | "The editor made several grammatical improvements to my article."                                        |
| **Fewer languages**                 | Refers to a reduction in the number of languages spoken worldwide, often due to language extinction. | "With globalization, we're seeing fewer languages as many are becoming endangered."                     |
| **More city dwellers**              | An increase in the number of people living in urban areas.                                         | "The trend shows more city dwellers due to urbanization."                                               |
| **Massive, rapid change**           | Large-scale change that occurs in a very short period of time.                                     | "The introduction of smartphones led to massive, rapid change in communication."                        |
| **Colonies in space**               | Habitats or communities established by humans in outer space.                                      | "The future of human exploration includes developing colonies in space on the Moon or Mars."            |
| **Grass**                           | A common type of ground cover found in many places, consisting of short plants with long, narrow leaves. | "The grass needs to be mowed regularly during the summer."                                              |
| **Glass**                           | A hard, brittle substance, typically transparent or translucent, made by fusing sand with soda, lime, and sometimes other ingredients and cooling it quickly. | "The window was made of reinforced glass to prevent break-ins."                                         |
| **Pond for rainwater**              | A small body of water designed to collect and hold rainwater, often for drainage control or as a landscape feature. | "They built a pond for rainwater to help irrigate the garden naturally."                                |
| **Carry out the tasks**             | To perform or complete specific duties or jobs.                                                      | "The team was efficient and managed to carry out the tasks ahead of schedule."                          |
| **I scratched it and it bled**      | Indicates that scratching a surface or skin caused bleeding.                                         | "I scratched it and it bled, which showed that the cut was deeper than I thought."                      |
| **Manage your physical condition**  | To take care of one's health through proper diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices.                   | "It's important to manage your physical condition to maintain a high quality of life as you age."      |
| **My days in Manchester are almost over**        | A statement expressing that one's time in a specific location is nearing its end.                | "My days in Manchester are almost over; I'll be moving to London next month."                        |
| **Probably the last weekend spent in Manchester**| Indicates that the upcoming weekend might be the final one spent in Manchester.                   | "This is probably the last weekend spent in Manchester before I relocate for my new job."            |
| **A bit lonely**                                 | Feeling slightly isolated or alone.                                                              | "Since my friends moved out, I've been feeling a bit lonely in the evenings."                        |
| **If in doubt, go**                              | An idiomatic expression suggesting that one should proceed or make a decision, especially when uncertain. | "If in doubt, go to the meeting; it's better to have all the information before making a decision."  |



"Devise" は「工夫する」「考案する」という意味です。具体的な計画や方法を考え出すことを指します。たとえば、「新しい戦略を工夫する」は "devise a new strategy" と言います。

The team devised a plan to improve productivity.




: 正確に、その通り
ニュアンス: 具体的な事実や詳細に対して同意する際に使います。科学的な議論や論理的な説明の中でよく使われます。
: "The Earth orbits the Sun." "Precisely!"

: 絶対に、その通り
ニュアンス: 強い確信や感情を伴った同意を示します。相手の意見や感情に対して強く賛成する場合に使います。
: "We need to act now to save the environment." "Absolutely!"

: まさに、その通り
ニュアンス: 相手の言ったことが自分の考えと完全に一致していることを強調します。日常会話で頻繁に使われます。
: "This is what I've been saying all along." "Exactly!"



・Why not!
: もちろん、なぜだめなの?
ニュアンス: 提案や誘いに対して肯定的に応じるときに使います。軽い同意や提案を受け入れる場合に用いられます。
: "Do you want to go out for dinner?" "Why not!"


・not really
: あまりそうではない、必ずしもそうではない、実際はそうでもない
ニュアンス: 質問に対して完全に否定するわけではないが、部分的に否定する場合や、やんわりと否定する場合に使われます。また、期待とは違うことを示唆する場合にも使われます。

"Do you like spicy food?"
"Not really. I prefer mild flavors."
意味: 辛い食べ物がまったく嫌いなわけではないが、あまり好きではない。

"Are you ready for the meeting?"
"Not really, I still need to go over some notes."
意味: 完全には準備ができていない。

"Is it a good movie?"
"Not really. It was kind of boring."
意味: 期待ほど良くはなかった。
"not really"は、直接的な否定を避け、少し控えめに自分の意見や状況を伝えたいときに便利なフレーズです。










読んでくださり、ありがとうございます!記事がいいなと思ったら、よろしければサポートお願いします! いただいたサポートはクリエイターとしての活動費に使わせていただきます!