
HLAB OBUSE 2023 Daily Report

HLABサマースクールの様子を、期間中毎日お届けする「Daily Report」

【Day1】 love your fate

開会式でのバルーンリリース / Balloon release at the opening ceremony

本日よりHLAB OBUSE 2023がはじまりました。



大学生やハウスの仲間とゲームをしていくうちに緊張は徐々に溶けていき、Welcome Dinnerでは初日であることを忘れさせるほどに自分から話をする様子が多く見られました。少し緊張しながらも和気あいあいとした雰囲気でDay1の最後のプログラム、リフレクションが始まり、高校生にとっては今日感じたことやこれからの目標など少し恥ずかしいかもしれないですが、しっかりと考えを言語化するということを一日目の最後に経験してもらいました。ハウスによっては一日の振り返りを英語で共有するなどのいくつかチャレンジングなこともしたようです。



HLAB OBUSE 2023 began today.

This is the first time in four years that the summer school has been held completely face-to-face in the Obuse area, and we are happy to be able to interact directly with the high school students. At the opening ceremony held in Hokusai Hall, along with greetings from the Nagano Prefectural Board of Education and the people who supported us, we could sense the atmosphere of the high school students, who were nervous but quietly excited about the week ahead.

After the opening ceremony, we moved to the auditorium for an icebreaker. Many of the high school students were worried about the exchange with the students from overseas universities, but it seemed that they were able to have a good conversation with them, even though they were speaking in broken language.

アイスブレイクを楽しむ高校生 / High school students enjoying icebreaker

As they played games with the mentors and housemates, their nervousness gradually melted away, and at the Welcome Dinner, they talked so much on their own that it was easy to forget that it was the first day of the program. The final program of Day 1, "Reflection," began in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, and although it may have been a little embarrassing for the high school students, they were able to verbalize their thoughts and feelings about the day and their goals for the future at the end of the first day. Some of the Houses have done a few challenging things such as sharing their reflections of the day in English.

The students were nervous when they first gathered this morning, and while they were not accustomed to being in a situation where they had to speak in depth, they tried their best to convey their thoughts, which is something that will be important in the future. We hope that the students will enjoy and learn as much as possible so that they can take home many things from this summer school.

The best thing about Day 1 was that not only the university students and high school students were stimulated by each other, but also the high school students were stimulated by each other. We believe that the more active interactions among high school students will deepen the learning process during the week ahead.

【Day2】 love your past



セミナーで発表する高校生 / High school student having presentation in seminar





On the second day, the students attended a seminar by an overseas mentor in the morning and reflected on themselves in a self-analysis project in the afternoon.

The high school students were probably most worried about the English-language seminars at HLAB. Each student chose three seminars from a wide variety of topics according to his or her interests and gave a presentation in English.
The students had a stimulating and valuable experience from specialized university studies that they would not normally encounter in their daily high school lives.

At lunchtime, they had dinner with their house members and seemed to reflect a little on what they thought of today's seminar and to expect what they would do in the future. Many of the participants said that they were not used to speaking in English, but some said that they gained confidence from the fact that their opinions were conveyed well in the seminar. (Interview with a high school student)

In the "Find a Piece of Me" project, we searched for words that fit our hearts and minds in the town library "Terraso" in Obuse. We spent time together to carefully examine the words and why they fit our feelings and to look at ourselves again from the perspective of the relationship between the words and ourselves.

In the self-analysis program, participants discussed each other's interests with their pairs and thought about the values and identity that would serve as the axis for thinking about their future.

自己分析企画の様子 / Self-analysis Program

In the evening, there was time to freely interact with global side mentors, and unbeknownst to them, high school students gradually got to be able to talk freely with anyone in a relaxed atmosphere.

【Day3】 love your OBUSE





小布施の街中で昼食を楽しむ / Enjyoying lunch in the town of Obuse


街歩きを楽しむ高校生  / High school students enjoying walking around town



On the third day, the high school students were getting used to life at the summer school. In the morning, conversations among high school students were lively, and many various dialogues typical of HLAB were taking place.

The second day of the seminar was not only an academic lecture, but also more high school students were able to express their thoughts and feelings. Some of the students had studied and prepared for it beforehand. Some classes were working on assignments outside the seminar, and many more learning activities were taking place. They actively interacted with global side mentors outside of the seminar, and their difficulty in conversing in English began to fade away. In particular, many students talked to global side mentors in English, which amazed the mentors at how active they were.

We had lunch at restaurants in the town of Obuse. Everyone enjoyed a delicious meal and recovered from their exhaustion.

In the afternoon, we learned about Obuse's town development and history at the Obuse Trajectory Project, and how Obuse is developing a new town while retaining its "Obuse-ness" through group discussions, photos, and interviews. They learned about the town of Obuse, which they gathered together for summer school, and considered the differences between themselves and their community. And understood what brought about the townspeople's strong enthusiasm and welcoming spirit for maintaining Obuse's landscape. Through this program, some high school students said that they learned once again that it is not enough to focus on a single problem, but that it is also effective to approach problems from various perspectives.

街歩きを楽しむ高校生  / High school students enjoying walking around town

The interview work also provided the students with energy from people they would not normally have the opportunity to hear from, and further encouraged them to think about their own choices and interests.

At the end of the day, the daily reflection session was held only by high school students. Although mentors usually take part in these sessions, many topics had not been discussed until Day 2, and I think the students were able to learn more about the high school students at the House and about themselves.

【Day4】 love your path


セミナー後は、HLAB サマースクールのプログラムを代表する「フォーラム」が開催されました。国際的にファッション業界で活躍されているNuméro TOKYO 編集⻑の田中杏子様をゲストとしてお招きし、高校生たちは実際の社会でご活躍されているゲストの方の大きな背中を見て、きっと自分の将来についてワクワクしたことでしょう。質疑応答の時間には、積極的に質問に手を挙げる姿も見られました。高校生からは「失敗の反対は成功ではなく、やらないこと」という話が今まで無かった考え方で印象に残った、心に刺さったという感想がありました。「成功の中に失敗があるという考え方で、失敗を恐れずにやってみようという考え方になった」と考え方の変化も見られました。

田中様のお話を聞く高校生 / HIgh school students listening to Ms. Ako Tanaka

フォーラムで大きな刺激を受けたあとは、「Why HLAB?」企画を通じ、「どうしてHLABへの参加を決めたのか」をハウスごとに共有しました。この企画では、HLABに参加した理由を中心に、ハウスメンバーそれぞれの価値観や過去の経験などを語り合いました。中には、感動的なシーンが見られるハウスもあり、充実した時間であったことが感じられました。


メンターに質問する高校生 / High school student listening to mentors


Following the second and third days, the high school students started the fourth day with a seminar. The high school students, who had seemed a bit passive on the first day of the seminar, began to express their opinions more actively.

After the seminar, Forum, a program representing HLAB Summer School, was held. Ms. Ako Tanaka, editor-in-chief of Numéro TOKYO, who is active in the international fashion industry, was invited as a guest speaker, and the high school students must have felt excited about their future after seeing the backs of the guests playing active roles in the society. During the Q&A session, many students actively raised their hands to ask questions. One high school student commented that "the opposite of failure is not success, but not doing" was a new way of thinking that left a deep impression on him and stuck in his mind. One of the high school students commented, "The idea that failure is part of success made me think that I should try without fear of failure," which also changed his way of thinking.

After being greatly inspired by the forum, students shared why they decided to participate in HLAB in their Houses through the "Why HLAB?” The "Art Project" that was originally planned was changed to an indoor project to talk with house members due to the inclement weather. In this project, we discussed each house member's values and past experiences, focusing on the reasons to participate in HLAB. Some of the Houses were able to see some touching scenes, which made us feel that it was a fulfilling time.

After that mentors shared their college majors and past experiences, and high school students went to the college students they wanted to talk to and freely asked questions and engaged in dialogue. High school students said that they were glad to have the time to talk with mentors and that it was good to be able to casually talk with mentors who were in similar situations when they were in high school. They said that this was a rare opportunity that they did not have in high school.

The fourth day was the middle day of summer school, so some of the participants looked a little tired, but we could see that the high school students had grown a lot as they reenergized themselves in the midst of the many projects.

【Day5】 love your interests

5日目のテーマ、”love your interests” に相応しく、高校生が自身の興味を探求するだけでなく、その興味や感性を自ら発揮できる企画が盛り沢山の日でした。



タレントショーでの一幕 /  A scene from the Talent show


また、夕方には真夏の暑さを吹き飛ばす「Colorful OBUSE」を行いました。この企画では、共にサマースクールを過ごしてきた仲間と、屋外と室内に分かれて、全力で「遊ぶ」ことを体験してもらいました。屋外の企画では、水鉄砲を撃ち合いながらレクリエーションをすることで、5日間の疲れを吹き飛ばすフレッシュな体験をすることができました。室内では、HLAB OBUSE 2023のテーマである”Love your journey”というテーマに合わせ、この「旅」の瞬間を記録するカラフルなTシャツを作り、サマースクール中の思い出を形に残してもらいました。

Colorful OBUSE

The theme for day 5 was "love your interests." 
As the theme implies, the projects on day 5 were intended for high school students to explore their own interests and to demonstrate them. 

In the morning, we had a talent show, where students were able to see unique performances by other high school and university students.

By performing in front of nearly 80 people, students must have gained new confidence.“Not only did I enjoy the moment that I was performing on stage, but also the moments that I was cheering my peers on.”

Some high school students mentioned the excitement of being able to experience both the moment of being the "main actor" themselves and the "audience" cheering on their fellow students and mentors who spent the summer school.

After lunch, students shared their backgrounds and values through “interview work” conducted only with high school students; discussing their various emotions and movements of thoughts they felt during their five-day experience helped them sort out their own feelings and would have formed part of their self-analysis. 

“The experience of interacting with students who come from various places has given me a lot of motivation.”
In particular, the workshop in which students talked about the “most impactful words told by others” allowed them to discuss deep topics.

インタビューワークショップでの一幕 / Interview Workshop

In the evening, we also had a Colorful OBUSE project to beat the midsummer heat. In this project, we asked the students to play as much as they could with their peers, letting their individuality shine through with colored water. 

In this project, the students were divided into two groups, one outdoors and the other indoors, to experience "playing" at their best with their friends who had spent the summer school together. In the outdoor project, they had a fresh experience to blow away the fatigue of the 5 days by shooting water guns at each other and having recreational activities. 

Indoors, in keeping with the Obuse Summer School theme of "Love your journey," the students made colorful T-shirts to record the moments of their "journey." By making colorful T-shirts to record the moments, they were able to preserve their memories during the summer school in a tangible form.

【Day6】 love other journey

6日目のテーマは、”love other journey''.。他の人の人生に触れながら自分の人生や将来について考えました。



フリーインタラクションで対話する様子 / Free Interaction


フリーインタラクションの後には、「Vision Quest」という企画を実施しました。この企画では、高校生達は自分の達成したい目標から自分の今後の行動計画を立て、共有しました。これまで6日間のサマースクールでの体験や感情や考え方の変化を経て、サマースクール参加前とは将来の目標や夢が変化した高校生も多いことでしょう。

目標を共有する高校生たち / High school students sharing their goals



The theme for the sixth day was "love other journeys''. High school studens thought about their own lives and future while experiencing other people's lives.

Today was the last day of the four-day seminar, and the tense expressions seen on the first day of the seminar on the second day had changed to happy and contented expressions today. High school students commented, "Compared to the first day, I am more used to studying in English. I can now speak up in English when I have an opinion." These were some of the comments from the high school students who had been studying English in the past. For the high school students who had previously studied English in English, the experience of learning about academic subjects in English as they were interested in them must have been a great one.

After lunch, the main project of the day was "free interaction" with guests. For this project, we had about 20 guests, and through interaction with them from various backgrounds and professions, the students were exposed to journeys other than their own. Divided into small groups, the guests and high school students engaged in dialogue about work, life, and ideas. The high school students actively asked questions using the questioning skills they had developed through the high school student interview work on the fifth day and other activities.

感想を共有する高校生 / High school students sharing their thoughs

One student commented, "It has broadened my options. It was refreshing and stimulating for the high school students to have free interactions with guests who have very diverse careers that they do not usually have the opportunity to interact with, such as those who are doing what they love for work, whose major at university is very different from their current job, and those who have experienced a gap year.

After the free interaction, a project called "Vision Quest" was held. In this project, high school students made their own action plans based on the goals they wanted to achieve, and shared them with each other. Many of the high school students may have changed their goals and dreams for the future from before the summer school through their experiences, feelings, and changes in thinking during the six-day summer school so far. Many high school students were thinking carefully about what kind of actions they would like to take and what they need to do after the summer school, based on the goals they set.

目標を共有する高校生たち / High school students sharing their goals

Tomorrow is the last day of the program. Today was also the last day of reflection at the Houses. It seemed to have been a very productive time, with each house sharing their good points with each other.

【Day7】 love our future


高校生が荷造りを終えた後、サマースクールの一週間を締めくくる閉会式が行われました。HLAB OBUSE 2023の開催を支えてくださった長野県教育委員会の方からのスピーチを始め、副委員長や高校生からのメッセージを聞き、ついにサマースクールが終わるという実感が湧いたと思います。


メンターから修了証を受け取る高校生たち / High school students received certificates from their HOUSE mentors



メンターのハンドアーチをくぐる高校生たち / High schoolers walking though mentors' hand arch

“Love your journey” HLAB OBUSE 2023がとうとう幕を閉じました。

Day 7. The final day of HLAB summer school has come.

After the high school students gathered their belongings, the Closing Ceremony was held to conclude the 7 days of summer school. The speeches from the Nagano Prefectural Board of Education, which had supported the organization of "HLAB OBUSE 2023," as well as messages from the mentors and high school students, made the students realize that the summer school had finally come to an end.

While students received certificates from their HOUSE mentors, there were many emotional moments, and tears were seen by our students when saying goodbye with the housemates. This must have been an unforgettable moment for both the high school students and the university students. Many high school students expressed their gratitude to their HOUSE mentors, saying, "It was very touching to receive a message from the HOUSE mentor who had watched my growth most closely.” By watching the "ending movie," a compilation of memories from the seven days, and each moment spent in Obuse was transformed into an unforgettable form.

修了証授与後のHOUSEで一枚 / At the closing ceremony

After the Closing Ceremony, "farewell lunch" was held to spend time with the HOUSE members with whom they had spent the entire week together. At the farewell lunch. Each house spent their time in the hall where they spent most of the time during the summer school. 

Finally, when high school students were saying goodbye to their mentors, various expressions of high school students could be seen. Many high school students had mixed emotions between the sadness of saying goodbye and the excitement of the future. However we must always remember, saying goodbye is only the start of a new beginning. 

高校生を見送るメンターたち / Mentors saying goodbye to high schoolers

"Love your journey: HLAB OBUSE 2023” has finally come to an end.
Through this experience, it’s time for high school students to take a step forward.
