【Day1】 ハウスを知る、女川を歩いてみる
本日より、宮城県女川町にてHLAB MIYAGI-ONAGAWA 2023が始まりました。今年は、4年ぶりに完全対面で開催することができました。
HLAB MIYAGI-ONAGAWA 2023 has finally begun! This year will be our first time in 3 years to hold it fully face-to-face.
In the opening ceremony, we had many guests from Onagawa such as the village chief to welcome us in. The atmosphere was filled with mixed emotions from the participants, with both excitement and nervousness. However, after the Ice break session, we could see the participants slowly easing in and adjusting.
After the ice break sessions, we toured the town of Onagawa while learning about the history, and visiting sites affected by the Great Earthquake.
Then, we ate our first dinner together with the high schoolers, which had a lively atmosphere with all the students conversing.
Lastly, we ended the day with our daily reflections. Since it was the first day, we could see some participants being nervous, however, it was very warming to see everyone getting closer. We are very excited to see how these participants will grow!
【Day2】 挑戦する
HLAB MIYAGI-ONAGAWA 2023は2日目を迎えました。
その後は、カジュアルな雰囲気で社会人の方々や過去にHLABサマースクールに参加した高校生との交流を楽しむ、Homecoming Dinnerが実施されました。
一日を通して感情や考えの変化をハウスのメンバーと振り返り、整理 したり、将来の夢や悩みについて、参加者とメンターが一緒になって話し 合ったりする時間です
Today was the second day of HLAB MIYAGI-ONAGAWA 2023! The high school students, who were accustomed to the town of Onagawa, had a chance to experience their first seminar organized in the morning, completely different from the nervousness they had been feeling until yesterday. The students may have been nervous about the English lecture, but it was impressive to see how they tried to understand and express their opinions with trial and error. It was a good opportunity for them to be exposed to a wide range of fields.
During the mentor discussion after lunch, the students had a chance to listen and discuss among university students about their passions and interests. It also seemed to be a meaningful time for them to broaden their future options.
Next was free interaction, where high schoolers had a chance to interact with guests from different fields of work. It became a great chance to hear valuable talks about career paths.
After the program, the students participated in the Homecoming Dinner, which was a casual dinner to enjoy conversation with the past participants and working adults. It was a great chance for the high schoolers to build deeper connections with the HLAB community and alumni.
In the evening, they reflected on the day's events and organized their feelings and thoughts during the "Reflection" session. We hope to have more moments of learning in the coming tomorrow!
【Day3】 女川と自分の過去に目を向ける
続いて行われたのは、「女川フォーラム」です。女川町に本社を構える、株式会社高政 代表取締役社長の高橋正樹様にお越しいただき、震災からの復興に大きく貢献された、高橋様の生き様を熱く語ってくださいました。女川町に住む方の生の声を聞き、女川町のこれまでの歩み、そしてこれからの未来に高校生が想いを馳せる時間となりました。
昼食の後は、大学生メンターとの交流企画 "Meet the Mentor”を行いました。大学生メンターと「どんな高校生だったか」「なんで今の進路に決めたのか」などを自由に話し合える場となり、高校生が今抱えている不安や疑問をぶつける機会となりました。
最後に、女川でご活躍されている様々な社会人を招いて自由に交流する「Find Onagawa」が行われました。女川町で実際に働かれている社会人の方々のお話を聞くことができる貴重な機会になりました。
The third day began with a program led by the global side mentors. We split the high schoolers into teams and conducted a treasure hunt with the information of the Globalside mentors. It was a great chance for the high schoolers to get to know the mentors on a personal level, deepening the connection.
Next, the event moved on to the "Onagawa Forum." Mr. Masaki Takahashi, the CEO of Limited Company Rikuzen-Ya Takahashi Shouten, headquartered in Onagawa Town, took the stage. This forum enabled high school students to hear the unfiltered voices of Onagawa Town residents, reflecting on the town's journey so far and contemplating its future.
After lunch, a “Meet the Mentor” session took place with mentors. This served as a platform where high school students could engage in open discussions with mentors about their high school experiences and the motivations behind their current career paths. It also provided a space for the students to address their prevailing uncertainties and queries.
Having listened to numerous personal stories, the focus shifted internally to a self-analysis session. Utilizing the "Life Line Chart," high school students took time to review their indi journeys.
Lastly, was the “Find Onagawa” program, where we had a chance to talk with many guests from Onagawa. It was a valuable experience for the high school high schoolers more closely with the guests.
【Day4】 自分の可能性を知る
そして、午後に行われた「フォーラム」では、Peatix Japan株式会社 CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) の藤田祐司様にお越しいただきました。フォーラムとは社会の第一線でご活躍されている方との交流会になります。ご自身のキャリアで大切にしてきたことや、高校生に対するアドバイス等をお話しいただきました。質疑応答では、高校生の率直な質問に丁寧にお答えいただきました。高校生にとって普段経験することのできない、貴重な機会になりました。
Today marks over halfway through the summer school, the 4th day. We held our second seminar, and it was very moving seeing all the high schoolers’ growth, being able to speak and interact with academic topics in English freely.
In the afternoon, we held a forum with Mr. Yuji Fujita, CMO of Peatix.inc as a guest, and got to hear some very valuable talk about his values and advice to give regarding his career. It was great to see many students participating in the Q&A session.
After the forum, was our long-awaited talent show. With the participants and university student mentors performing skits and dances, the time at the talent show flew by. The talent show showed how strong the bond between high school students and mentors has become in the past 4 days.
As always, the daily reflection was held after the talent show, and we could see the excitement from the talent show carry through to the reflection. Today's reflection was done only by high schoolers, and they learned to facilitate the reflection themselves. It was a great opportunity to see the student’s progress.
【Day5】 非日常を楽しむ
夕食を挟んだ後に、2回目となる”Meet the Mentor”企画を行い、大学生メンターとアカデミックなトピックを中心に対話が盛り上がりました。2回目であるため、前回以上により深い質問が飛び交っていました。高校生の進路に対する不安や疑問を自由に投げかけ、大学生メンターが丁寧に答えている姿が非常に印象的でした。
With only three days left of the summer school, today's project included an Onagawa Workshop in the morning, where the students were exposed to the town's art and performing arts. The students were split into three groups: a Spanish tile-making workshop, a visit to the Takamasa Fishcake factory, and a spray painting workshop. The high school students got to experience more of the local culture of Onagawa town.
After experiencing the workshop, the students moved on to the seminar in the afternoon. Today was the third seminar with the Globalside mentors, and we were able to see the growths of the students yet again. After the seminar, we got to experience Onagawa's traditional performing art, the lion dance. Smiles were seen by the high school students as they experienced something out of the ordinary.
After dinner, the second “Meet the Mentor” session was held, where the high schoolers had the chance to ask questions to mentors freely regarding university and career paths.
The reflection, which ended the day, allowed the students to reflect on the day's events and prepare for the remaining two days of the summer school. We hope that the students will have a learning and meaningful time until the last day of the summer school.
【Day6】 未来に目を向ける
今日は、海外大生メンターとの対話の時間、「Chat GBs」から始まりました。セミナーでは聞けない海外大生メンターの生活や趣味、大学に入る前や卒業後の話など自由に話し合う場になりました。これまであまり話せなかった海外大生メンターにも話しかけるチャンスとなり、どのグループも大盛り上がりでした。
The summer school is quickly coming to an end with only two days remaining. Today began with a interaction session with the Globalside mentors. It provided an opportunity to discuss topics beyond what's covered in seminars, including the daily lives, hobbies, experiences before and after entering university of the Globalside mentors.
Following that was an interview activity. High school students paired up and took turns asking and answering questions about each other. This activity allowed high school students to organize their thoughts while answering and deepen their interest and understanding of their partners while asking questions.
After lunch, the afternoon session began with an output-oriented activity. Over these six days, we've received numerous lectures and seminars from professionals and mentors. In this activity, high school students themselves presented their respective areas of interest.
Then, it was time for the final seminar of this summer school. Learning various academic subjects in English was a significant challenge, but it was impressive to see how the students became more proactive in speaking up and asking questions compared to the first day.
Lastly, was the reflection. Today was the final day of the reflection with the house, and many students and mentors were seen sharing their memories and learnings throughout the summer school.
【Day7】 再出発
“Ready, Set, Restart.”
HLAB MIYAGI-ONAGAWA 2023がとうとう幕を閉じました。
The final day of HLAB summer school has come.
After the participants gathered their belongings, we held a Future workshop to reflect on the week, and to think about how we can use our learnings in the future. Seeing the participants talk passionately about their learnings in the week underscored the growth that was seen throughout the course.
Afterwards, the farewell lunch was held. It was warming to see many highschoolers making plans to meet up in the future, even after the summer school ends.
Finally but not least, the Closing Ceremony was held. We looked back on some memorable moments throughout the week by looking back at some pictures and discussing. Many speeches were given in the ceremony, such as the highschool representative, the Globalside mentors representative, and the chairperson of HLAB MIYAGI-ONAGAWA 2023.
There were many emotional moments, and tears were seen by our students when saying goodbye with the housemates. However we must always remember, saying goodbye is only the start of a new beginning.
With that, our HLAB MIYAGI-ONAGAWA 2023 has come to an end.
“Ready, Set, Restart.”
It’s time to make the next leap.