Songs for Babies
the abc song
The Jackson 5 ABC
abcd in the morning brush your teeth
animal sounds song
a week is seven days
baby shark dance remix
bath song
dance monkey (KIDS BOP Kids)
dance monkey (lyrics)
Do you like broccoli ice cream?
fight song (KIDS BOP Kids)
First Day of School
five little ducks
Grandfather's Clock
slumber : sleep
blooming : glowing
be pluming for flight : be disrable for departure
muffle : wrap up to deaden sound
pendulum : suspended weight for a clock
head, shoulders, knees & toes
hello song for kids
home on the range
antelope カモシカ
how many fingers
hush little baby
hush: silent しずかで大人しい
brass: 真鍮(しんちゅう)、黄銅ともいう。銅と亜鉛の合金。
billy goat:male goat オスのヤギのこと。メスのヤギはnanny goatという。
I have a pet
I see something blue
I've go the rhythm
I've working on the railroad
Dinah , won't you blow your horn : this phrase is difficult to understand for kids and even for adults. Dinah is a person in the kitchen and abruptly appears in the scene.
let's go swimming
little star
London Bridge is falling down
look at all colors I can see
Mary had a little lamb
old MacDonald had a farm
open shut them
rain rain go away
row row row your boat
creek: narrow stream
squeak: 鋭い叫び声
she'll be coming round the mountain
take me out the ball game
cracker jacks: classic American snack
ten little Indian boys
the color song
primary colors: red, yellow, blue
secondary colors:green, orange, purple
this is the way
twinkle twinkle little star
vegetable song
what's this? what's that?
wheels on the bus
you are my sunshine, lullaby version
![福光 寛 中国経済思想摘記](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/8334246/profile_85817a44e986d7a947d9be7fece96f67.jpg?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)