Internship@Newark Trust for Education -外側からの改革に疲弊した地で…
First post about my 2nd internship which started two weeks ago!
1. ニューアークってどんな所?
私がインターンしているのは、Newark Trust for Educationというニューアーク(ニュージャージー州)にあるNPOで、Community Engagement(地域の人を巻き込むこと)に焦点を置いています。
I'm now interning at Newark Trust for Education, a NPO focusing on community engagement and located in the city of Newark, New Jersey.
過去の記事で少し書いたとおり、Newarkでは2010年にFacebook創設者のザッカーバーグ氏とブッカー市長、そしてクリスティー知事が結託してNewark Public Schoolのために1億ドルを寄付し、教育改革のモデルになるのでは!?と注目されていました。
As I explained in past posts, in 2010, the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Mayor Cory Booker, and Governor Chris Christie announced that they will donate 100 million dollars for Newark Public Schools.
しかし、6年以上が経過した今、そのお金のほとんどは、Tenure(終身雇用)を弱めるのと引き換えにTeachers Unionが要求した給料アップ、Charter Schoolの拡大、そして今は去った外部コンサルタントの雇用費、にほとんど消えていってしまい、子供たちが真に必要としている学習支援にはお金はほとんど行き渡らなかったのです。
However, after more than six years have passed, most of the donation went to teacher salary (which teachers union requested in exchange for weakening tenure law), expansion of charter schools, and salaries of consultants from outside who were all gone now, which means little money was used for instruction to needy children.
So the reality here is that this huge amount of money did not generate intended effects, and test score even went down during this reform.
2. 外側からの改革から、地域を巻き込む動きへの転換
そして、2017年で州政府から完全にlocal controlを取り戻すプロセスにありつつも、「外部からの改革」のトラウマから関係者がまだ立ち直れないでいる中、新しく市長になったバラカ氏(校長出身)はCommunity Schoolという、地域の人々を学校運営に巻き込む仕組みを、貧困地域であるSouth Wardからスタートしました。
Now Newark is in the middle of regaining local control which will fully take into effect this fall, but stakeholders hasn't overcome this traumatic event. In response to that, Mayor Baraka has recently launched Community School Initiative, which essentially means involving community in school management, starting with South Ward.
3. インターンとしてのタスク
My task at this NPO is very related to this initiative, and composed of three parts.
①Data analyses of South Ward Community Schools
Test scoreやAbsenteeism、Suspension、Budgetなどの膨大なデータを整理し、経年変化で何か顕著な傾向がないか、というのを分析します。
Analyze bunch of data including test score, absenteeism, suspension rate, and budget and figure out any striking changes or trends over time.
②Refinement of parent survey
A parents survey was done to collect data about their perception of school and community, but the response rate is quite low. So will proposal logistical and substantive improvement plan for future survey.
③Dissemination of best practices of Community School
アメリカの他の州や、日本でのCommunity Schoolの優良事例について、Newarkの背景事情に適したものをピックアップして整理します。
Marshall best practices of Community School in other districts or countries such as Japan, with a focus on relevance to Newark context.
4. 職場の様子とこれからと
In addition to these tasks, I would like to meet different stakeholders and just try to understand where education policy in Newark is heading and what are the specific challenges.
This is my desk and room, pretty spacious! Partly because there are only 4 staff in this org excluding me.
I'll elaborate on each task in the coming posts, so please be looking forward to!!