
Internship@Newark Trust for Education 2 -コミュニティ・スクールの優良事例収集-

2nd post about my internship in Newark!


1. Community Schoolとは?

前回も少しだけ触れたのですが、Community School(CS)とは、学校運営に地域や保護者の人々を巻き込むことを通じて、子供たちに放課後の学習機会やキャリア教育、あるいは医療・保健・福祉等の関係機関と連携したwraparound service(全方位的・総合的なサービス)を提供することを目指す取組です。

Community School (CS) is a framework to enagage residents and parents in school management, and to provide wraparound services to children from extended learning opportunities, career education, to collaboration with organizations in charge of medicine, health care and welfare.


In Japan, CS was institutionalized in 2004, and now about 30% of publich schools are CS partly due to the legislation to further promote CS. I'm paying attention to how it will go in the future.

2. アメリカのCSの実態は?

現在ニューアークがSouth wardから始めている取組の概念図はこんな感じ。

In the U.S., there is almost no single definition of CS and it varies significantly from one area to another. Below is a conceptual image of Newark CS, which started first in South Ward.


I'm now collecting info about good practices of CS and putting these info together. Although familiar with GPs in Japan, I'm having difficulty in finding U.S. GPs.

3. 参考になりそうな事例は?


・最近state takeoverが終わった(2015年)

Now I'm interested in Oakland, CA, because its demography is similar to Newark (90% non-White) and there was a state takeover which ended in 2015.




CS essentially means exposure of schools to community, so there would be some resistance on the school side. How to get buy-in from stakeholders? How does a coordinator play a role in CS? How to leverage existing resources in community? How to ensure sustainability in terms of finance and organization? These are some of the typical questions regarding to CS implementation.

Oaklandは2010年頃から始めていて、今出ている成果としてはChronic Absenteeismの減少やPariticipation rateの上昇などがあるようです。

他の地域ではSchool climateや学習態度、学力の向上などが報告されている例もあります。
地域の巻き込み方は千差万別で、今は他にBoston, Chicago, Tulsa, Hartford, Redwood, San Franciscoなどを調べていますが、色んな取組があるので学んでいて飽きませんね!

Oakland started this initiative in 2010, and now there is some evidence of positive outcomes such as a reduction in chronic absenteeism and an increase in participation rate. In other cases reported are improvements in school climate, students' motivation and academic achievement. Now I'm studying cases in Boston, Chicago, Tulsa, Hartford, Redwood, San Francisco etc. and none of them look alike, which is interesting!

4. 現時点での振り返り



Marshalling info and putting together in one document deepens my understanding, and I hope this project would bear fruit as Newark dives into a thorough implementation of CS.

