
Spring 2018 Course5: Leadership in Schools & Community -リーダーシップ理論を自身に適用する-

Now I'm wraping up my study and stay in NYC, for I'm going in leave here in two weeks... anyway, today's post is about the Spring course, Leadership in Schools & Communities!


今回はLeadership in Schools & Communitiesの授業。

(以前のEducation Pioneerのリーダーシッププログラム)

1. どんな授業? ~教育長経験もある教授に学ぶ~

こちらも例によってTeachers Collegeの授業で、教授はProf. Jeffrey Young。彼はハーバードやMITなんかがあるMAのCambridgeで教育長をした経験もあり、英語教員でもあった実務家です。


This is also a Teachers College course, and taught by Prof. Jeffrey Young. He served as the Superintendent of Cambridge Public Schools, where Harvard and MIT are located. He also has been an English teacher, so with a lot of experience as a practitioner!

This class focuses on the various aspects of leadership in schools and communities, mainly through whole-class and small-group discussions (interestingly, the configuration of seats looks like a U-shape).

(前回の授業前の様子 Last class's screen)

2. どんなことを学ぶの? ~これまでの「リーダー」概念とは正反対~

さてどんな内容かということでシラバスを見てみましょう。 As for details, let's take a look at the syllabus.

・Class 1: Introduction
・Class 2: Understanding the Public, Part 1 - What motivates citizens to act - self, interest, the public good, or both?
・Class 3: Understanding the Public, Part 2 - What is the role of government in democratic society?
・Class 4: Understanding the Public, Part 3 - What are the possibilities and limits of public deliberation in modern America?
・Class 5: Leadership and Management, Part 1 - What is the nature of the leader-constituent interaction?
・Class 6: Leadership and Management, Part 2 - Under what conditions and circumstances can leaders overcome obstacles to make a difference?
・Class 7: Leadership and Social Justice - How do our values, assumptions and behaviors influence our ability to serve ALL students or constituents?
・Class 8: Leading Change, Part 1 - How can leaders help people rise above self-interest and nurture a culture of collaboration?
・Class 9: Collaboration in Communities - Under what conditions can collaborative practice flourish, and what does it look like in action?
・Class 10: Leading Change, Part 2 - How might individuals expand their personal capacity to exercise leadership?
・Class 11: Exercising Leadership, Part 1 - What makes exercising leadership dangerous?
・Class 12: Exercising Leadership, Part 2 - What are the challenges and opportunities leaders face every day?
・Class 13: Exercising Leadership, Part 3 - How can we step back, see the bigger picture, manage a community's problem-solving, and survive?
・Class 14: Exercising Leadership, Part 4 - How do leaders keep their eye on the prize and still find ways to improvise?
・Class 15: Conclusion



Course readings include articles on leadership and speeches by internationally recognized leaders, through which we analyze crucial elements of leadership. Although some might associate leadership with such dimensions as charismatic, or giving directions, but this course is exactly the opposite of these concepts.

3. リーダーシップの要素とは? ~VulnerabilityからSustainabilityまで~


これは自分のありのままの姿を曝け出すということなのですが、それによってHolding Environmentと呼ばれる安心して言いたいことを言える環境を形成できるというわけです。



What was intriguing to me was that vulnerability, which Akiko touched upon in one of the previous posts, is regarded as the important element of leadership. Vulnerability means opening up yourself (or exposing), by which you can create a Holding Environment where people can express their opinions with honesty and comfort. Moreover, although not explicitly states in the literature that I read, I think of sustainability as indispensable to leadership. That is, in too many cases there was a great leader who achieved remarkable reforms, but the organization that he or she belonged to quickly became dysfunctional after his or her departure. Therefore, institutionalizing leadership is essential for changes to endure without relying solely upon a particular leader.

4. 評価は? ~過去のリーダーシップ経験の振り返りも~

授業の評価ですが、学期中に5回あるReflection Paper(2~3週分のリーディングを自分の過去の経験等に当てはめて分析するもの)のほか、Case PaperとFinal Paperがあります。


Final Paperは「効果的なリーダーシップとは何か?」という問いに対するThesis Statementを提示し、文献や体験談でそれをバックアップするというものです。


With respect to grading, in addition to five short reflection papers (in which we apply course readings of two to three weeks to our own experiences), we have a Case Paper and Final Paper. The former asks us to reflect on our past experiences of exercising leadership using a variety of course readings. The latter centers on this question: "What is your theory of effective leadership?" We are supposed to write a thesis statement, and back it up with class readings and our own experiences. Both of them gave me valuable opportunities to think beyond what each literature says and reframe it through my own lenses.

では今日はこのあたりで。時間は最後の科目、Independent Studyについて紹介しますので、是非読んでくださーい!

Let's call a day - next time I'll introduce my last course, Independent Study! Please look forward!!

