
Spring 2018 Course4: Leadership for Adult Development -「大人の成長」という分野を初めて知る-

4th introduction of the spring courses: my favorite Leadership for Adult Development!
さて今回は春学期の授業紹介4つ目、私の最もお気に入りのLeadership for Adult Developmentです!


1. どんなコース?

さてこのTeachers Collegeのクラス、子供達を日々支えている先生や校長、教育委員会の方々といった大人をどのようにサポートするかということに焦点を置いています。

教授のProf. Ellie Drago-Seversonとは私がIndependent StudyでSchool Leadershipについて情報を集めている中でアポを取ってお話させていただき、その時にこのコースを取ってみてはどうかと薦められました。



This class at Teachers College focuses on how we can support adults (e.g., teachers, principals, superintendents) who support children every day.
I first met with Prof. Ellie Drago-Severson through my search for information on school leadership, when she recommended I take this course. Although I kinda hesitated because of my tight Schedule and slight different focus of this course from my main interest, I decided to take it and now I can say that this was the right decision. Rather than acquiring new knowledge, I discovered new self through the journey of this class.

2. コースの特徴 ~月1回・7時間の授業!~


This class is actually offered monthly (on Saturday, 9am-5pm), not weekly. Below are the excerpts from the syllabus.

●Class 1

・Part 1: Introduction & Overview: Leadership for Adult Development
・Part 2: What are the challenges associated with Leadership for Adult Development in the 21st century?
・Part 3: Reflective practice: How might an understanding of Adult Development help?
・Part 4: Considering leadership on behalf of Adult Development: Examining our assumptions & discourses for development

●Class 2

・Part 1: Understanding key principles of Constructive-Developmental Theory in support of Leadership for Transformational Learning (Part1)
・Part 2: Understanding key principles of Constructive-Developmental Theory in support of Leadership for Transformational Learning (Part2: Application)
・Part 3: Application of Theory & Mock Convening #2 Applying key principles of theory to experinece of Leadership for Adult Development

●Class 3

・Part 1: Challenges of and creative strategies for building positive work climates: Relationships & resources
・Part 2: From theory to practice: Pillar practices supportive of Transformational Learning (1): Teaming & Collegial Inquiry
・Part 3: From theory to practice: Pillar practices supportive of Transformational Learning (2): Mentoringg & Assuming Leadership Roles
・Part 4: Application: Convenings

●Class 4

・Part 1: Attending to your own growth while caring for others - the importance of renewal
・Part 2: Learning Lab: Developing Action Plans (Workshop)
・Part 3: Stepping forward - Advancing your practice in support to adult's Transformational Learning

3. 学ぶのは1つの理論だけ ~Constructive Developmental Theory(構築発達理論)とは?~


それがConstructive Developmental Theoryです。
(元はハーバードのRobert Kaganが提唱したもので、Ellieは彼の下で学び、その後ハーバードで教鞭を執ってからコロンビアに移ってきました。)

It's common to learn multiple theories in one class, however, in this class we only learn ONE theory, which is Constructive Developmental Theory. It was proposed by Prof. Robert Kagan at Harvard, and Ellie learned from him, taught with him and then moved to Columbia.

この理論のポイントはものすごく簡単にまとめると3つあります。Here are the three main points of this theory.(Drago-Severson, 2009b)


人間は認知的・感情的・内省的・対人的な発達段階に応じて、自分達の経験を「構築(construct)」そして「意味づけ(make meaning of)」し、自分達の現実を作り出している



③Subject-object balance:


①Constructivism:We actively construct and make meaning of our experiences and create our realities with respect to cognitive, emotional, intrapersonal (the self's relationship to itself), and interpersonal pathways of development

②Developmentalism:The ways in which we make meaning and construct reality can develop over time and throughout the life span, provided that we benefit from developmentally appropriate supports and challenges

③Subject-object balance:This balance centers on the relationship between what we can take a perspective on (hold as "object") and what we are embedded in and cannot see or be responsible for (are "subject to")




In other words, adults see things around them differently depending on their developmenal phases, and importantly, these "Ways of Knowing" are not fixed but can develop over time.

4. 物の見方(Ways of Knowing)とは? ~4段階に分けて分析~

さらにConstructive Developmental Theoryでは大人の物の見方(Ways of Knowing)を大きく4つに分けて分析します。
Then this theory goes further by categorizin "Ways of Knowing" into four patterns.(Drago-Severson, 2009a

①Instrumental Way of Knowing -rule-based-

Tend to look for "right" solutions, therefore, cannot think based on abstract concepts

Inside his/her mind: "What's in it for me?"

Supports and challenges: clear goal-setting, concrete step-to-step advice, promotion of diverse perspectives

②Socializing Way of Knowing -other-focused-

Tend to meet expectations from others and look for their approval, avoid criticisms and conflicts

Inside his/her mind: "Do you think I'm a good person?" "Do people value me?"

Establish own values/standards, accept competing views without taking them personally

③Self-Authoring Way of Knowing -reflective-

Focus on achieving goals based on own values/standards, while having a space to accept others' point of view

Inside his/her mind: "Do I conform to my values?"

Analyze own views in a critical way

④Self-Transforming Way of Knowing -interconnecting-

Can reflect on own identity, and be open to others to transform the self

Inside his/her mind: "How do people's views help me grow?"

Respect different levels of development and process through which we arrive at a concensus




Of course these are not mutually exclusive, and certainly many people have two or more ways of knowing. In the U.S., less than ten percent demonstrated traits of Self-Authoring or Self-Transforming ways of knowing. Although these are more desirable to deal with complex challenges that surround the 21st century, it does not necessarily mean they are absolutely superior to the other two (it really depens on individual's readiness to transition).

(今月の授業の1風景。いつも成長のシンボルである花が置いてあります。 A landscape from this month's class. She always put flowers in the classroom, which I think of as the symbol of growth.)

5. 成長を支える、4つのPillar Practicesとは?

さらにEllieはこの発達段階のサポ―トする4つのPillar Practicesとして以下を挙げています。
Additionally, Ellie ariculated four Pillar Practices to support the transition from one way of knowing to another.(Drago-Severson, 2009b)


②Providing Leadership Roles

③Collegial Inquriy




自分の過去の経験で、大人をサポートしたが上手くいかなかったものをConvening Caseとして作成(ダブルスペース10P以内)




(※この判断が正しかったとかそういうことは言わずに、上記の理論に照らし合わせて当時の自分の想定は何だったのか、関係者はどのようなWays of Knowingを持っていたのか


Although space and time do not allow me to fully elaborate, one example of the Collegial Inquiry is Convening in which we engaged during the class. This is a very unsual experience in any school setting that facilitates reflection, the process of which is described as follows.

・Create a Convening Case in which we elaborate on our experience to support adults, but unsuccessfully. (double-spaced, no more than 10 pages)

・Share each case with group members (3-4 in total)

・Each member prepares questions and comments after reading others' cases

・On the day of convening, the convener provides a brief overview of the case and explains where to focus (5 min)

・Then the convener refrains from participating, and the group members offer comments on the case (30 min) (NOTE: they do not judge where the convener's decision back then was right or wrong. Instead, they try to illuminate hidden assumptions held by the convener, or the ways of knowing each stakeholder had at that time)

・In the last 5 min, the convener reflects on the experience

6. Conveningで学んだこと


ここで重要なのは、Holding Environmentと呼ばれる、各人が自分に正直になって意見をシェア出来る環境づくりを行うことです。
(このConveningもそういった観点からは1回目ではなく、事前にnorm setting等をグループ内で行った上で3回目の授業で行います)。

Although it is difficult to explain by words, this experience was incredibly powerful. The comments from classmates nudged me toward reflection from a more objective perspective. What's crucial here is to create a holding environment, where people can share their opinions without fear. To that end, this convening is held during the 3rd class, not 1st, after we set shared norms re: how we engaged in the convening.

7. 理論を自分自身に当てはめるという経験




I like this course a lot mostly because of the prof's very personalized care for each student (you can easily see it even from an email she sends). Moreover, her feedback, regarding both my strengths and areas of growth, is so thorough that I have never seen such encouraging comments. Last but not least, this class is fundamentally different from other grad course in which students learn theories and apply them to phenomena in the world; instead, we apply a theory to ourselves in this class, which leads to discovery of a new self.

日本ではこのConstructive Developmental Theoryはまだあまり知られていないようなので、今後日本に帰ってから少しずつ広める機会を設けていきたいと思います^-^


Since this Constructive Developmental Theory is not well-known in Japan, I'll try to disseminate it after going back! Next time I'll introduce another course on leadership!!

・Drago-Severson, E. (2009a). How do "know"? Yes! Magzine, p.47.
・Drago-Severson, E. (2009b). Leading adult learning: Supporting adult development in our schools. Corwin Press.


