
Aki on Stanford -My 1st step to change the world 世界を変える第一歩!-

From CA this time! Aki, who earned a Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) at prestigious Stanford University, shares many stories from the reason for studying abroad, unique curriculum of Stanford GSB, to the hidden strengths that she has become aware of throughout her study. Don't miss out!



1. 留学のキッカケ ~ダイバーシティ・マネジメントの重要性を痛感~

(Hiro) Akiさんは社会人経験を経て留学されたようですが、何がキッカケになったのでしょうか?

What made you aspire to study abroad while working?

(Aki) 日本の大学を卒業後、社会人として戦略コンサルタントで数年働いていました。
この団体はPeer to Peerのマイクロファイナンスのプラットフォームとして、途上国対象のファイナンスを行っています。

I had been working as a strategic consultant for years after graduating from the University of Tokyo. I was not sure whether I want to work as a consultant for my entire life and wanted to explorer. The volunteer experience at Kiva from 2014 substantially influenced my decision to earn MBA. This organization served as a platform for PtoP microfinance with a focus on developing countries.
Rather than institutional investors lending money to beneficiaries, it collected money from individuals who lent money in specific projects to support underprivileged. This approach is instrumental in raising people's awareness of poverty alleviation. The system is sustainable as is shown by its return rate of over 90%.

(Hiro) そこでの経験がどう留学につながったのでしょうか?
How did this experience lead you to Stanford MBA?

(Aki) コンサルでは、ロジカルで地頭の良い人ばかりに囲まれていましたが、Kivaは様々なスキルセット、個性が集まる組織ということもあり、マネジメントの重要性を痛感しました。
実はKivaはStanford の卒業生が創設したもので、大学にいた時から何となく憧れとしてあった「MBAに行きたい」ということが、ここでの経験を通じて実際にStanfordに行きたいという形で具体化したんです。
そこでStanford GSB(Graduate School of Business)に2017年~2019年留学し、3ヶ月前に卒業して今はOPT(Optional Practical Training)中という状況です。

It brought home to me how difficult managing an organization is, for Kiva is composed of people with different skill-sets and individualities, which is different from those working at consulting companies.
Indeed, this Kiva was founded by a Stanford alum, which turned my vague dream of earning MBA into a concrete path forward. That's how I ended up studying at Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) from 2017 to 2019, and I'm now working as an OPT holder after my graduation three months ago.

2. スタンフォードへ ~リスクテイクの文化への憧れ~

(Hiro) そのような経緯ですと、Stanfordを留学先として選ばれたのもうなずけますね。
No wonder that you chose Stanford as your destination of study!

(Aki) 仰るとおり、自然とStanfordが第一志望になりました。


Yes, it was just natural for me to head to Stanford. Through the dialogue with alums, I realized that the essential value of Stanford is the culture of risk taking. The fact that somebody supports me when I'm taking risks is appealing to me because I have not taken huge risks during my life until then.

スタンフォードビジネススクールのモニュメント Monument to Change as it Changes の前で

(Hiro) Akiさんは元々英語がペラペラだったんでしたっけ?
Were you proficient in English before then?

(Aki) とんでもない!海外出張とかを除いて留学や勤務の本格的な経験はなかったです。

Not at all! Except for some short business trips abroad, I haven't quite worked or studied abroad. When it comes to TOEFL, I focused on speaking and writing, which I wasn't as good at as reading or listening.
I learned strategies by attending three to four lessons offered by E4TG on weekends, then practiced by myself. I had been taking TOEFL for almost a year, but sometimes I felt like it's kind of a waste of money as I wasn't ready due to my busy working schedule.

(Hiro) 他にはどのような所を? Any other schools that you applied to?
(Aki) Harvard, Columbia, Wharton (Chicago), LBS (London) を受けました!

3. 授業の特色 ~アントレプレナーシップから内省まで~

(Hiro) 実際に卒業してみて、Stanford GSBの魅力はどのような所にあると感じましたか?
What do you think are the strengths of Stanford GSB?

(Aki) 授業の特色としては2つあって、まずEntrepreneurship系の授業が多いことです。
例えばDesign thinkingを使ってuser interviewをして、実際にプロダクトを作ってExperimentをして改良を重ねていく授業とか…経営戦略の授業でもほとんどのケースがstartupについてなんです。


私の一番好きな授業はArt of Self-Coachingという授業で、どう生きていくか、どうやって自分自身の人生をコーチングすればよいかについて深く考えさせられました。

Firstly, the school has a lot of classes related to Entrepreneurship. For example, I took a course called Startup Garage, in which I learned design thinking and applied the concept to launch our product.
Most of the cases seen in business strategy were about startups. This shows GSB's commitment to turning zero into one, or one into one hundred. Even courses on personnel featured start-ups.

Secondly, many classes value emotion and feeling, which I believe is part of the Stanford spirit. The most popular class is called Touchy-Feely, in which we made a circle of twelve students and just kept talking for three hours without any specific topic. Throughout this dialogue, students learn how to effectively expose their weaknesses, how to give feedback to and build trust with others.
My favorite class is the Art of Self-Coaching in which I learned about myself, how navigate my life. That’s the best class in GSB. I also enjoyed the class called Lives of Consequence, in which I wrote my obituary to think about my life goals. These classes taught me the importance of taking time to be aware of my feelings. Stanford even has a building of mediation, known as "Windhover."

(Hiro) なんと!試験前には籠る人が多そうですね(笑
What? I imagine many people ensconcing there during exam seasons.

(Aki) 机とか一切ないので、試験前にはこもらないですよ!笑 ヨガとか瞑想するための、だだっ広いスペースです。
Maybe not, it is just a spacious room for yoga and meditation without any desk. haha

Any differences from other schools?


During my visit to Harvard MBA, I saw many students raising their hands and trying to speak up. On the contrary, at Stanford, when those who were usually shy to speak raised their hands, we let them speak first. In one of the classes, we made it a rule to raise our hands no more than twice at each class so that more classmates can speak.

(Hiro) それも先ほど仰った、人間的というところを体現していますね。
That's also the crystallization of the humane spirit I believe.

(Aki) あとは、授業中クラスメートが自分の会社のpitch資料を作っていて授業を全然聞いていないことがあったんです。

I heard a funny story. One of our classmates was so absorbed in making a pitch document that he did not listen to the lecture at all. The professor called him after class, listened to his business plan, and then decided to invest in the project, saying “If you are so serious about your business idea that you cannot even concentrate on my class, I’ll support you.”

(Hiro) 先生方も実務家経験があるだけあって、まさにEntrepreneurshipの体現ですね!

Now I see how its spirit of Entrepreneurship comes into everyday scenes of your school!

4. インターンでDesign Thinkingを実践!

(Hiro) 留学先で1日はどのように過ごしていましたか?
How did you spent daily lives?

(Aki) 2年生の時は、午前中に授業、その後友人とテニス、そして宿題をやったりComputer scienceやデザインスクールの授業を取ったりして、16時以降はstart-upの授業のメンバーとピッチ資料を作ったりプロダクトを作ったりといった毎日でした。

In my second year, I took classes in the morning, after then played tennis with friends, then worked on assignments or taking courses at Computer Science or Design School. After 4pm, I was making pitch documents or products with Stanford engineering school students.

Sexy Six クラス対抗運動会の後

(Hiro) Stanfordは3学期制ですが、夏休みにインターンもされていたんですか?
I know Stanford adopts three-semester system. Did you have an internship during the summer vacation?

(Aki) はい、IDEOというデザインコンサルの会社でまず2ヶ月間。Stanfordで勉強したdesign thinkingを日本の企業向けに展開するということで、professionalの人達と一緒に働いていました。
面白いのはチーム1人1人のvalueが違うことで、自分はdesign thinkingを活用した経営戦略を中心としましたが音や空間のデザイン、そしてユーザーインタビューが得意な人とチームだったんです。

それに加えて1ヶ月半、インドでfintechのスタートアップに携わりました。ここではIDEOで学んだdesign thinkingを活かして、社長の直下で働かせていただいたのでプロジェクトを進めやすかったのですが、外国人でヒンディー語も話せない中でビジネスを成功させるのは難しいなと感じました。

Yes! I first interned at IDEO, a design consulting company, for two months. I worked with professionals to apply design thinking to solve business problems of Japanese companies. Every member of the team had different strengths – management strategy with a focus on design thinking for me, and sound/space design or user interview skills for others. It was just fulfilling to see how these distinct talents and skill-sets can generate tremendous values as a team.

After IDEO, I interned a fintech startup in India for one month and a half. I managed to get the project going by leveraging my design thinking skills while working right under the CEO. However, it was not easy for me as a young female foreigner without management experience to impact the organization. Whilst I thought of working in India someday, I realized that I could not achieve what I want if I go to India straight away after graduation.

5. 留学中の気付き ~自分の強みはポジティブさとEmphay~

(Hiro) 留学中に苦労したことや、反対に自らの強みに気付いたといったことはありましたか?
Any struggle during your study – or strengths that you noticed?

(Aki) 苦労したのはaggressiveさが足りなかったこと。空気を読んでいると自分の言いたいことが言えず、この人は何でもOKの人だと思われて、自分の意志とは違う人と思われてしまったことです。このため、皆でプロジェクトをする中で、自分の意見をしっかりと主張していくように心掛けました。



I felt that I wasn't as aggressive as I was supposed to be. If you just focus on reading between the lines, others think that you are okay with anything. I learned that I need to express my opinions more directly.

One of my strengths is optimism. My classmates often stated that "I have never seen somebody as happy as you, which makes me happy as well." This was important, engaging in start-up projects means being rejected so many times.

Empathy is also my strength. I took a class in which I learn the strengths of yourselves by asking my acquaintances and close friends to evaluate my fifteen skill-sets. Empathy is the skill that everyone saw in me.

(Hiro) 既に色々ありましたが、他に印象に残っているエピソードを教えてください!
Please share any episode that struck you, aside from the ones that you already did!

(Aki) 最初の方に、Stanfordを学部1年で中退してstart-upを始めた人から話を聞くセッションに参加したんです。


At the beginning of the program, I participated in a session in which we listened to those who dropped out of Stanford after finishing their freshmen year and initiating their start-ups. One attendee questioned, "weren't you afraid of dropping out in the middle of the program?" And he answered "By doing this I could start my business three years earlier than my classmates, and make it go bankrupt. That will help me become successful faster than others." – he expected that he would make it go bankrupt! That's one of the moments when I felt that this is the Stanford culture of accepting risk-taking.

6. 今後のビジョン ~DiversityのみならずInclusivityが実現される世界へ~

(Hiro) 今もカリフォルニアで働かれているとのことですが、今後はどのようなキャリアプランを描かれているのですか?

You are still in CA, so what does your future career plan look like?

(Aki) 本当はMBAにいる2年間で結論を出したかったのですが、まだ出ていないんです。




I don't know where I am working in 10 years but I know diversity is very important to me. I am Chinese who grew up in Japan, and I tried to hide my nationality when I was a child because I did not want to be seen as different from other kids.
My experience of having felt isolated just because I'm Chinese, influenced my vision of combating this kind of injustice. Here in the U.S., having such a background is almost taken for granted, and you don't have to change yourself to adjust to the majority. I can speak up and say whatever I want to say, and I can add my value.
Like the famous phrase "Diversity and inclusivity are different – the former is inviting minority to a party, but the latter is dancing with them," my goal is to realize this world of inclusivity.

7. 読者へのメッセージ ~変化する世界に対応するための初めの一歩を!~

(Hiro) 留学をしたいが今一つ踏み出せない方もここの読者には大勢いらっしゃると思います。そうした方へのメッセージを是非お願いします!
I think many readers aspire but hesitate to study abroad. Any inspiring message to them?

(Aki) 是非自分の居心地の良い場所(Comfort zone)を出て、色んな体験をしていただきたいなと思っています。

Change lives. Change organizations. Change the world.」というのがStanfordの校訓なのですが、自分自身と周りの人をまず変える、次に組織を変える、そして最後に世界を変えるということです。


Please get out of your comfort zone and experience a variety of things. We cannot live our lives twice, so try to focus on your ambition/goal. To decide on what you are committed to throughout your life, it's indispensable to meet many people in many places, so why not challenge yourself? "Change lives. Change organizations. Change the world." is the Stanford GSB school motto. Why not take your first step to cope with the ever-changing world?

With Team Takoyaki 仲良しグループのチーム タコヤキと


Aki, thank you so much for your inspiring episode! I'll take my first step to change myself as well!!

