
To Feel Young Again! 6 Selections of Gaining Up [ Testosterone ]

For people who don’t know where to start to gain testosterone but feel too much to you previous blog showed 24 methods…

Why I chose 24 for gaining testosterone because each of them has an effects respectively.
However, there are some considerations and totally understand that [can’t do all of them at once] or [I don’t know where to start]. So I will suggest you minimizing to 6 and should be no problem for testosterone most.

1. Let’s make your body fat in 8~15% for man, and in 21~24% for woman.
- The more fatter, the more dropping value of testosterone.
I often write about it, it is proven by many thesis. Especially, fat around a stomach. The fat around stomach works increasing enzyme which changing fat to estrogen.
A study from 2013…

There was a data showing up that a man who has BMI over 25 compared to standard weight man is 40% lower testosterone value.
- It is not fine even too thin.
Of course no obesity but it is dangerous to reduce too much a body fat.
Bodybuilder examination…

They do shape their body strictly because of a contest and when that time, they are too narrowing down their body fat, their testosterone drops about 20%.
- Let’s meet the target to less 15% for man and 21% for woman!
If you already know your body fat is more than that, at first make it this target range.
for your reference…

2. Taking in calorie sufficiently
- The more you eat the more less testosterone is decreased…
To do diet too much also decreasing testosterone level as well as obesity. You should be careful for that.
- Make calorie restriction in about 20% of calorie preservation
Let’s figure out what is the calorie preservation for yourself and find out where is your restriction range. It should be safe you keep up on your calorie preservation range and make your fat to appropriate level. This is confirmed at a study in 1984.

3. Let’s resolve shortage of new malnutrition
We as Japanese in the modern age has had enough calorie. However, we don’t take in most important elements such as, vitamin and mineral. It is called [new malnutrition]. These two elements are connected to production of testosterone so if one of them is missing, it means testosterone value will decrease. Especially, vitaminB1, A, and D are lacked.

4. Let’s gain muscles
- It helps augment of testosterone…
When you are clear all of above things, next step is to get muscle by muscle training. This is common to be told that muscle is effective for testosterone. At least, as much as you can do muscle training in a week.
- Muscle mass also helps augment of testosterone…
There are many studies found out that muscle mass gains testosterone.

5. Let’s restore three major nutrient balance
- A fat should be in 40% of total calorie…
When you set your body fat steady, next is to go on adjust three major nutrient balance(body fat, protein, carbohydrate).
In total calorie= body fat is 40%, protein is 20%, and rest is to carbohydrate.
- First of all, focussing on reducing body fat…
- When your body fat is 15% over, let’s forget about three major nutrient and go on a diet. Just for your knowledge that it is more efficient to increase protein proportion, when you on a diet.

6.Let’s improve sleep
- Sleep duration affects on testosterone…
you’ve done well all of above, and steady, so sleep improvement is the next. There are saying that contraction of 8 hours and 4 hours in sleep duration at a study, it shown half of difference for testosterone value.
And moreover, getting 1 hours more, testosterone value will arise 15% more in an another study. There are no significant supremum. However, you may need to sleep 7~8 hours.




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