
Let’s Do Reset Tiredness Because Of Caffeine


First : Caffeine promotes anxiety because it facilities like adenosine but breaking brain functions.

Second : Caffeine can be a good resource of protracting depression or bipolar disorder.

Third : Be cautious that caffeine can become a tools for inducing insomnia because it interferes with the key role of adenosine upon sleep regulation.
Also adenosine has the role of helping sleep homeostasis that is interferes by caffeine. Many studies showed and accepted that caffeine has the mechanism.
Wakefulness, which caffeine is the main cause makes brain exhausted.

Fourth : Coffee has relations with Alzheimer’s disease, sleepiness, and dementia because it effects cognition, memory, and learning. For example, caffeine has potential to prevent cognitive decline associated with aging. It appeared a research targeted to elderly women who drank coffee for long-term their appearance be younger than who didn’t.
Moreover, there was a research when person started to take caffeine from midlife like after 30, they restrained occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Fifth : Caffeine suppresses Parkinson’s disease or slowing or halting that symptom.

Sixth : Caffeine has possibility to alleviates Huntington’s disease!

※ Huntington’s disease is a mutation caused by protein named huntingtin. It is proven that A2A ARs facilities efficacy of BDNF so it suppresses symptom like Huntington’s disease.

Seventh: Caffeine is effective to reduces 40% of pain and migraine. Moreover, it helps any drugs spreads into body immediately and effects those drugs efficacy so soon.



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