
The Experiment Which Is Better For Our Brain 25 Minutes In A Day


This comes from University of Waterloo research. 31 women were targeted aged 18 to 48. The researches divided them into three groups and what the participants did was↓

* Yoga group : To do Hatha Yoga for 25 minutes per day
* Meditation group : To do mindfulness meditation for 25 minutes per day
* Control group : To read yoga magazines for 25 minutes per day

After the session finished, the Participants immediately were asked to take Stroop task to check their executive function.
*What is executive function? : It is an ability when you focus on achieving your goals or set yourself be calm, control your anger or anxiety, don’t go crazy yourself to deal with something which your brain makes you to decide. It is highly important for efficacy of self-controlling.

Let’s go to yoga group first↓
1. Doing body scan meditation first used by corpse posing(by Shavasana)
2. An instructor points a direction of easy yoga technique for them
3. The instructor told them to focus on their breath and body on a regular basis when they did yoga

Sounds like not only method from yoga but had meditation aspect involved.

Ok next is meditation group ↓
1. Firstly doing body scan meditation lightly
2. Doing Vipassana meditation with focusing on breath
3. They were instructed “Not to judge your emotion and thoughts even if they come up into your head let them go and go back and focus on where you were before

It’s a common method for meditation I believe.

Either result of executive function and mood showing bit more effective to yoga than meditation

A experiment period was 3 day and the result was↓
* Both yoga and meditation improved executive function and mood
* In 3 day’s session, it was almost the same effect to both method, however to look at long-term carefully, yoga had a trend more effective than meditation.

It is said that yoga effects come later than meditation does so it is kind of a prove for that.(It just in case you emphasize component of mindfulness correctly)



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