A Case of If You Don’t Know What Type Your [Circadian Rythm] , Then How Would Your Performance Be Worse?
<Circadian Rhythm> has become more common in our society these days. But there is a problem of our real life schedule such as from schools and works. Most of them starts in an average from 8am till 5pm. It causes different individuals outcomes and it depends on what types of Your circadian rhythms are and we don’t know exactly what types you are.
When you figure it out, you will improve your life satisfaction like emotion, task management, or relationships and so on.
Why it is come up to an issue in our life?
Because there was some study showed in modern society “62% of people in the world doesn’t potentiate their maximum ability.” People who works at night even they are morning type and they can’t be well-performed or vice versa.
We are told that “You wake up as earlier as possible will make your day worth.” but in fact, there is certain biological clock each of us has and should be in it. If you miss your type of circadian rhythm “Waking up in the early morning” is useless.
This study below is a principle for that matter given arise. What they called “Social Jet Lag” come along with people’s daily activity like sleep, study, work, eat, and exercise.
*“Social Jet Lag” is a sort of misunderstanding their available time zone to do any activity mentioned above things.
It comes from University of California 2018. The researcher wondered “Why there are such different outcomes coming from individually in any school?” So they asked to Illinois University students to help them.
* The duration was from autumn semester in 2014 to spring semester in 2016.
* The total number of students was 14,894.
* They separated 3 types of circadian rhythm, one is Lark (kind of morning type), second is Finch (kind of noon type), and third is Owl(kind of evening type)
* The research intervention was 2 years following-up.
What result showed up?...
* Only 40% of students were matched with their circadian rhythm to attend a class schedule
* 50% of students couldn’t perform well in a class because of social jet lag
* 10% of students took a class after consumed their performance peak so they couldn’t study well enough
Owl(evening type) hit constantly lower academic results among them because they are not in their certain circadian time zone because most of class was in early day time.
However, “Social Jet Lag” is also counted for seasons, age, and sex according to the study.
Let’s say...
* By seasonally, many students was well active in early and late day in spring but in autumn, activity became middle of the day.
* By sex, men were more active than women in the evening.
* By age, obviously young men tended to be active at late night to 6am and young women were more in the evening.
As you know it is accounted to a job so if you figure out you are “Owl” type(evening type), then you don’t want to think “I wake up early in the morning and do my best!” just take it easy on you to adjust your circadian rhythm to work later than other types so you perform well there.
Lastly, I will put the link to find out what is your chronotype is so you will be able to be sure yourself and enjoy rest of your life stick with it or if you like to read who write it by book? Also put the link below and enjoy it too!↓