Let’s resolve your anxiety or stress that affect you can’t do your best or can’t show your original strength by “Centering method”
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1. Abdominal Breathing
- Firstly, breathing phase, while you need to exhale and inhale, pay attention to around your abs.
- Fifth to ten times is enough.
2. Body Scan
- Only one min.
- Do you feel stress on any of your muscles? Then, put your strength into it and release( for example : the sole of the foot, the calf, thigh, hip, abs, chest, neck, and forehead).
3. Pay attention to your center
- where it is about under 5 cm from your navel( it’s a focus point for internal meditative technique) and think about “ What I feel there right now?” for five times.
4. Expand your center
- It is like you have negative thoughts in your mind such as, “Why I thought of something for him or her? or Why I decided in an interview?” Something like that. Let’s imagine that you’d be filled by that and when you exhale, that would be gone far away from you.
That’s all for “Centering Method”
I may be saying that is combined with “Mindfulness meditation” + “Body Scan” + “Image Technique” and it’s only 2 to 3 mins to do.
So I think it’s a ideal for that as long as you think you have no time to do three of them before your stressful meeting or speech or anything similar like that ahead, you just do centering method otherwise.
Worth to try, right? Bye for now.