Gendlin called the characteristics of living processes common to plants, animals, and humans a “non-Laplacian sequence.” So, what exactly is “Laplacian”? He critically examined an assumption implicit in classical physics from Newton to Laplace. This assumption implied determinism that scientists could perfectly predict the future. It also implied that when such scientists, called the “idealized observers,” observed natural phenomena, they pretended to be non-participants, even though they were participants.
Old and new physics
Gendlin wrote a paper on physics with its expert in 1983. In it, the modern quantum theory that has replaced classical physics was briefly described as follows:
In his later writings, he discusses the same point in the following way:
Hoeever, such a view of quantum theory as interaction did not begin with Gendlin. To understand the critical position against the "idealized observer" in his later work, it will be helpful to consider how the philosopher John Dewey, who preceded him, commented on old and new physics. Dewey criticized the determinism of classical physics from Newton to Laplace (*1), calling it “the old spectator theory of knowledge” (Dewey, 1929, p. 204 [LW 4, 163]), and examined how Heisenberg’s quantum theory replaced it:
Principle of indeterminacy
How did Heisenberg upset the classical physics idea that “if observations are correctly conducted, the whole future of the universe could be predicted”? Let's look at how he contrasted his position with classical physics about 30 years after he proposed the principle of indeterminacy:
It is the quantum theory that casts doubt on this idealization of descriptions without any reference to the observers themselves:
The act of observation itself by the observer causes unpredictable events to occur. Therefore, Heisenberg briefly summarizes as follows:
Carrying on the idea of rejecting the conventional idealization, Dewey outlined the principle of indeterminacy as a realization of the non-spectator’s or interactive idea that “the act of observation itself affects the object being observed” (*2) as follows:
The above can theoretically be stated as follows:
Dewey then concluded in his review as follows:
In light of the previous statements that “The observation itself changes the probability function discontinuously” (Heisenberg), that “The act of observation, necessary in existential knowing, modifies that preexistent something,” and that “Knowing is one kind of interaction which goes on within the world” (Dewey), it is easy to understand Gendlin's arguments as follows:
Critical position against the “idealized observer”
Keeping in mind Dewey’s contrast between old and new physics, it will provide some background for Gendlin’s criticism since the ’80s that the “The space-time continuity of the observer in [classical] physics is abstracted from the continuity of living bodies.” (Gendlin et al., 1984, p. 260)
Thus, it can be said that Dewey’s concept of the spectator (*3) was succeeded and critically examined by Gendlin’s concept of the idealized observer.
Concepts to think about what living bodies can do
Dewey and Gendlin’s review of the history of physics can further highlight Gendlin’s idea that to understand the living processes of plants, animals, and humans, we should not pretend that we, as observers, did not exist but should also be included in the consideration. Let us first follow Dewey's argument, then Gendlin's:
In light of Dewey, we can also say that the roots of the argument in the later “A Process Model” (APM) become apparent. Let us first follow Dewey's argument, then Gendlin's:
“Perception” and “nature” from a non-idealized observer’s standpoint
The critical position against the “idealized observer” was discussed in the section “d-2) Some requirements for our further concept formation” in Chapter IV-A of APM as one of the basic ideas of the entire book. Of course, this idea seems to be reflected in the discussions elsewhere in this book. In connection with this idea, I would like to follow the discussions of “perception” in “(c-2) Had space-and-time” in Chapter VI-B and of “nature” in “(g-1) Relevance” in Chapter IV-A.
First, Dewey’s argument against the “spectator theory of knowing” (Dewey, 1929, p. 245 [LW 4, 195]) would correspond to Gendlin’s argument against dropping out of the bodily process of perceiving.
I think it was one of the essential themes in Gendlin’s philosophy to discuss generating perceptions without dropping out of the bodily process.
Next, the problem of thinking of perception from the standpoint of the idealized observer is also related to how we perceive “nature."
When we perceive nature, we are not passively copying the order of nature as separate from ourselves, but we are actively participating in the process of perceiving.
Succeeding Dewey, Gendlin further argued that predictable determinism could not explain the living processes. Furthermore, in light of Dewey, it became clear that unpredictability is not unrelated to our own participation in considering living processes or organic nature. The unpredictability, however, does not necessarily imply a lack of order. I will discuss the posterior order of living bodies in a separate post (Tanaka, 2024, June).
*1) This kind of determinism is known today as “Laplace's Demon.” In the following text by Laplace, the equivalent of the demon is “intelligence”:
*2) This blog post is written without doubting the content of Heisenberg and Dewey's writings. I would like the readers to understand that I am not a physicist, so I am not in a position to verify the validity of Dewey’s interpretation of Heisenberg or Heisenberg’s interpretation of quantum mechanics from the perspective of more advanced quantum mechanics today.
*3) The word “spectator” was used not only by Dewey’s work but also by Gendlin’s APM. For example, this word was used in Chapter I to describe en#1. However, the word “spectator,” used in Chapter I, including “hunter,” and the word “idealized observer,” used in Chapter IV to describe a scientist’s cognition, differ in denotation and do not always seem to refer to the same matters. On this point, valuable suggestions have been provided by Dr. Luke Jaaniste.
Dewey, J. (1929). The quest for certainty. Minton, Balch. Reprinted as Dewey, J. (1984). The later works, vol. 4 [Abbreviated as LW 4]. Southern Illinois University Press.
Gendlin, E.T. (1991/1995). Ultimacy in Aristotle: in essence activity. In N. Georgopoulos & M. Heim (Eds.) Being human in the ultimate: studies in the thought of John M. Anderson (pp. 135–66). Rodopi.
Gendlin, E.T. (1997, November). On cultural crossing. Paper presented at the Conference on After Postmodernism, University of Chicago.
Gendlin, E. T. (1997/2018). A process model. Northwestern University Press.
Gendlin, E.T. (2013). The Derivation of Space. In Cruz-Pierre, A. and D.A. Landes (eds.) Exploring the work of Edward S. Casey: giving voice to place, memory, and imagination (pp. 85–95). Bloomsbury Academic.
Gendlin, E.T. (2018). Saying what we mean (edited by E.S. Casey & D.M. Schoeller). Northwestern University Press.
Gendlin, E.T., Grindler, D. & McGuire, M. (1984). Imagery, body, and space in focusing. In A.A. Sheikh (Ed.), Imagination and healing (pp. 259–86). Baywood.