


でも、今は母親の気持ちがとても理解できます。やはり母親と同じように、子供たちのことを見つめていることがあるのです。子供たちほど愛おしく、未来を描かせてくれる存在は他にはないと思います。僕が母親から受けた眼差しと同じものを彼らも感じてくれているだろうか? そうだといいなと思います。








My children are not only my little darlings but off-shoots of myself. When I look at them, I have a strange feeling - as if I am watching myself re-living my life. When I was a child, my mother occasionally gazed at me this way. Though I had some awareness of it, I pretended not to notice because I think I felt a little embarrassed.

But now, I can understand how she felt because I, too, sometimes gaze at my children as my mother did. Nothing illustrates the future for me like my dear children. I wonder if they feel the same thing I felt when my mother gazed lovingly at me. I hope that they do.

Children always act more than I expect. The inspiration for my photography comes from this sort of behavior. Though I direct some of my photographs, in most cases I take pictures of my children just as they are. What I want to leave is their "living form". 

When I take photos of my children, the important thing is to maintain an objective perspective. Not too close, but also not too far away, as if I am watching them from behind. Something close to mere observation, I think. Obeying this rule gives the photos a universal quality. I believe that this universality is necessary to communicate their living forms to someone else.

Although photographers usually tend to want to snap pictures at certain specific moments, children don't smile or cry all the time. Rather, they don't have any special facial expression much of the time. I want to use photography to keep their living forms in that day-to-day world. This way, the highly expressive faces that they occasionally make will look more life-like, and will produce photographs that we will never get tired of looking at.

January 5, 2012
Translated by Tetsuro Nohara and Peter McCamus
