
「ネズミの実験から学ぶ少子化問題の新たな解決策」 "New Solutions for the Declining Birthrate: Lessons from a Rat Experiment"

【第4話:Episode 4】 少子化対策と出生率の未来:Addressing the Declining Birthrate and the Future of Japan’s Birthrate

「第6話目:Web3とAIが少子化を救う?テクノロジーで描く未来の子育て」Episode 6: Can Web3 and AI Solve the Declining Birth Rate? Shaping the Future of Parenting with Technology

私の全ての論文が今、Kindle Unlimitedで無料です!日本社会とAI技術の未来を今すぐ手に取ってください!All My Research Papers Are Now Free on Kindle Unlimited! Explore the Future of AI in Japan Today!

少子化時代におけるAI技術と日本社会:経済競争力、文化、倫理の融合AI Technology and Japanese Society in the Age of Declining Birthrates: Merging Economic Competitiveness, Culture, and Ethics