
Target-Specific Novel Molecules with their Recipe: Incorporating Synthesizability in the Design Process

Reactive Docking: A Computational Method for High-Throughput Virtual Screenings of Reactive Species

TeachOpenCADD goes Deep Learning: Open-source Teaching Platform Exploring Molecular DL Applications

TAGMol: Target-Aware Gradient-guided Molecule Generation


Insights into the computer-aided drug design and discovery based on anthraquinone scaffold for cancer treatment: A systematic review


One-step data-driven generative model via Schrödinger Bridge


DCGAN-DTA: Predicting drug-target binding affinity with deep convolutional generative adversarial networks


Target-aware Molecule Generation for Drug Design Using a Chemical Language Model*

Generation of 3D molecules in pockets via a language model

De novo Drug Design using Reinforcement Learningwith Multiple GPT Agents

Preference Optimization for Molecular Language Models

LOGICS: Learning optimal generative distribution for designing de novo chemical structures

Metabophore-mediated retro-metabolic (‘MeMeReMe’) approach in drug design