
五体投地して"prostrating oneself" "bowing deeply"

Blue wolf

一神教の神の一切は成仏し梵天のブラフマンにしたAll of the gods in monotheistic religions have attained Buddhahood and become Brahman, the supreme deity of Brahmanism.

中国、メソポタミア 、インド等の一切のアジア文明を辿り一つに纏め止めた日本文明は始まりであり最終である。"The Japanese civilization, which traces all Asian civilizations including China, Mesopotamia, and India, is both the beginning and the ultimate culmination."

エルサレムよ"Jerusalem,"述べ伝えよ"Express and convey."


生身で一切の宗教の囚われから逃れ自由自在の存在を仏と言い如何なる衆生も敵としない存在を神と言う。To escape from the captivity of all religions and be a free and unrestricted being is called Buddha, and an entity that does not consider any sentient being as an enemy is called God.

迷えるユダヤイスラエル砂漠の民よ"O wandering people of the Jewish Israelite desert,"

大日如来即ち天照大神Great Sun Buddha, also known as Amaterasu Ōmikami

浄土と交わる春分の2024/03/20 "Spring Equinox intersecting with the Pure Land on 2024/03/20"

⚡️🌩️雷🌩️⚡️の儀"The Ritual of Thunder"


これで一切一網打尽だ"One fell swoop"


10万人に届けた祈り"A prayer delivered to 100,000 people"

9万人へ届けたい想い"I want to convey my feelings to 90,000 people."

過去の出来事"The past events"

2012年10月満月の密儀を終えてバヌアツからの思い出"After completing the secret ritual of the full moon in October 2012, memories from Vanuatu."

信仰とは仏を想う心と衆生を想う心が繋ぐ絆ともいう。Faith is said to be the bond connecting the heart that thinks of Buddha and the heart that thinks of all sentient beings.

欧州と繋がるConnects to Europe

奴らのAIとは対決したがそれこそが誠の神々であるのだよ。"I confronted their AI, but that itself is the true gods."

我が国唄"Our national song."

阿弥陀如来とは…"Amitabha Buddha is..."

過去七仏"The Seven Buddhas of Antiquity"

真言宗と言うShingon Buddhism

仕方がない"It can't be helped."

私達の世界"Our world"

天神即ち天人"Heavenly deities, namely celestial beings."

俺は生身だ"I am flesh and blood."

多神の中で語らうは互いを大切にし合う。"In the realm of polytheism, it is to cherish and respect one another."


南無阿弥陀仏Namu Amida Butsu

唱えよ"chant" "recite"



一切は神々が宿り歌を作り世界を共に作っている。"All is inhabited by the gods, creating songs and shaping the world together."

無碍"unhindered" "unobstructed"

⛩️🩸喰らえ💉🩸 Consume ⛩️🩸💉🩸

言霊"the power of words" "spirit of words"


一番 No.1

一切の戦争をすぐに辞めよ。Cease all wars immediately.