浄土と交わる春分の2024/03/20 "Spring Equinox intersecting with the Pure Land on 2024/03/20"

"Why do we celebrate the Spring Equinox? The Spring Equinox is believed to be the day when the Pure Land where Western Buddhas reside intersects with the present world. This is said to be the origin of the O-Higan (お彼岸) observance. Around the time of the Spring Equinox, when the sun sets directly to the west, and also around the Autumn Equinox, it is believed that the connection between the Pure Land where ancestors reside and the present world becomes more accessible. This belief is unique to Japan among Buddhist countries."

"The Great Sun Buddha, also known as Amida Buddha, also known as BUDDHA卍EMPEROR, also known as Koji Okamoto, also known as Amaterasu Omikami."

浄土へ→"To Pure Land"
