Another week of "Listening Marathon" for "English Brain". Keep practicing is a key. I am saying this to myself, actually. A great Day!
"It's TGIF! What are you up to?" "Nothing is up, just Listening Marathon. Another great day." 「金曜日だ。何する予定?」「特にはないよ。リスニングマラソン!今日も良い日になるといいね。」
Jump start to this COLD work week? It took me more than usual to get out of bed this morning. And you? "Listening Marathon" time now!
If you have some time this morning, would you join me in "listening marathon" with YouTube? 朝シャドーイング! I will hit the ground running NOW.
Listening Marathon in the morning. Don't get overwhelmed or discouraged. Keep trying with me and seize the day AND the week. 腐らず今日も頑張ろう!
When feeling blue, you COULD indulge yourself a bit with what pleases you. Please join me in Listening Marathon today! 楽しいことで自分を少し甘やかしてみて!