小さな語りシリーズ2024/06/24  Small Story Serie

2024/06/24「スイカバー」"Watermelon ice bar"











On a Saturday morning at the end of the rainy season, with the muggy air clinging to us, I set out on a bike tour with my best friend. As we pedaled enthusiastically through the quiet streets in the early morning, we quickly found ourselves in the suburbs.

"How far should we go today?" my best friend asked with a laugh. I unfolded the map and pointed ahead of us. "How about we go to the lake on the other side of that mountain?"

We continued pedaling, plunging into the deep green forest. Emerging onto a paved road, the trees thinned out, the scenery opened up, and we had a clear view of the world below. The chirping of birds flying overhead echoed far and wide, and as the sun grew stronger, sweat began to seep through.

"Shall we take a break?" my best friend suggested, and we parked our bikes in the shade. Taking out a water bottle from my bag, I took a sip, enjoying the feel of my sweat-cooled hands.

Just then, my friend grinned as if remembering something, and pulled a small cooler bag from his large backpack, producing two watermelon ice bars. "I brought these. Perfect for a hot day like this, right?"

"You really came prepared!" Surprised by the unexpected treat, I eagerly accepted an ice bar from my friend and bit into it. The icy, crunchy texture and the mild sweetness spread in my mouth, soothing my sun-warmed body.

For a while, we silently enjoyed our ice bars and took in the scenery. With the blue sky and green rural landscape stretching out before us, I felt a mature sense of reflection. The time spent with my best friend was the most precious thing.

Afterward, we got back on our bikes and headed for the lake. When we arrived at the lakeshore, we watched our reflections on the water and talked about the future.

"I wonder what kind of adults we'll become," my friend murmured. "I don't know. But one thing won't change: we'll still be best friends," I said with a smile. "Yeah, you're right," my friend replied with a shy nod.

On the way back, the setting sun gently illuminated us as we cycled through the mountains. I thought about how today would continue to shine in my heart for years to come. With that thought, I squinted against the gentle headwind and kept pedaling.
