小さな語りシリーズ2024/06/11  Small Story Serie

2024/06/11「背比べ」"Comparing heights"









Amidst the vast expanse of a concrete and steel gymnasium, I was walking towards the exit with my best friend, wiping the sweat from my forehead with a face towel, blending in with classmates who were returning to the classroom after class.

"It's really tough to have basketball class on such a humid day," my best friend grumbled beside me.
I nodded, "Yeah, I thought I was going to die from thirst," and let out a sigh.

After leaving the gym, we sat down on a bench near the entrance. Other classmates also sat down in various places, taking a short break.
As I continued to wipe my sweat with a towel, my best friend said, "Hey, have you grown taller?"

"Really? I haven't noticed it myself."
"No, you definitely have. Let's check."
Saying that, my best friend made me stand up, stood back-to-back with me, and started measuring our heights with his hand.

"Hmm, I knew it. You're a bit taller than me now," he said with a groan.
"Well, we're in our growth spurt period. I think we'll both keep growing for a while."
"No way, I don't want to be shorter than you. I'll catch up and surpass your height soon," he declared, pointing a finger at me with determination. I wasn't really competing with him over height, but I smiled wryly at his competitive spirit.

"Then you need to drink milk every day, eat well, and get plenty of sleep to grow taller."
"And exercise, too. I'll stimulate my spine with all the lay-up shots we did in today's basketball class."
"Maybe volleyball could also help you grow taller."
"No, I'll do it with basketball. And I'll get better grades than you in basketball, too."

He flashed a smile with his white teeth, issuing yet another challenge. I was a bit bewildered but not in a bad way.
Competing with my best friend like this and having these casual conversations were precious to me. These were moments of our youth that we could only experience now.

"Alright, I can't slack off either. Let's put an end to this heated discussion for now and head back."
We walked back to the classroom side by side, basking in the dry summer sunlight and hearing the lunch break chime in the distance.
