小さな語りシリーズ2024/07/04  Small Story Serie










On a summer morning, a young boy looked out the window, the sound of cicadas signaling the arrival of the season. Today, he woke up early to see his father working at a construction site. His father, a construction worker, was a hero to him.

After breakfast, the boy left home, escorted by his mother. Wearing a small hat and carrying a backpack, he headed towards the site. Along the way, he met friends and exchanged brief conversations, but his heart was already with his father.

Arriving at the site, he saw his father operating a large construction machine, a powerful and reliable figure. Watching from a distance, the boy followed his father’s every move. The sight of his father working hard, sweating under the sun, was a source of pride and inspiration for him.

During a break, the boy approached his father. "Dad, you’re amazing!" His father smiled and patted his head. "Do you want to work like this one day?" The boy nodded enthusiastically.

Later, they shared lunch, made by his father. As they ate, his father talked about the construction site, explaining how to operate the machinery and the dangers of the job. Each word was a treasure to the boy.

In the afternoon, his father returned to work, and the boy continued to watch. Under the strong sun, his father's figure shone even more brightly. The boy felt the admiration for his father growing stronger in his heart.

In the evening, after his father’s work was done, they walked home together. At home, the boy excitedly told his mother about the day, proudly expressing his desire to work like his father. His mother smiled and patted his head.

That night, as the boy lay in bed, he thought of his father's back, resolving to become as strong and reliable as him one day.
