小さな語りシリーズ2024/06/29  Small Story Serie



弟は無邪気に笑いながら、「じゃあ、僕も手伝うよ!」と言い、姉の肩を叩いたり、周囲をとした。あまりにも弟が騒がしさに我慢できず、「もう、うるさいな! 一人でやりたいんだから、あっち行って!」と姉は怒鳴った。







There was a certain pair of siblings: the sister in the second year of middle school and the brother in the fifth year of elementary school. One day, while the sister was doing her homework in the living room, her brother came home after playing with his friends outside and peeked at her doing her homework. “What are you doing, sis?” he asked. The sister replied with a slightly annoyed face, “I’m doing my homework right now. Don’t bother me.”

The brother, smiling innocently, said, “Then, I’ll help you!” and started patting her on the shoulder and fussing around. Unable to tolerate her brother's noise any longer, she shouted, “Enough already! I want to do it alone, so go away!”

The brother, startled by her shouting, grimaced for a moment, then made a sulky face and said, “You’re so mean!” and retreated to his room. Finally alone, the sister resumed her homework but couldn’t concentrate and sighed.

After a while, their mother returned from shopping and called out to the sister, “I’m home. Did you finish your homework?” The sister nodded sadly. Noticing her expression, the mother asked, “What happened?” The sister turned her face away.

During dinner, the sister and brother didn’t speak, and they each returned to their rooms as the night wore on. Lying in bed, the sister stared at the ceiling. Mixed emotions and a sense of regret weighed on her mind. Her brother’s innocent smile and his sulky face alternated in her thoughts.

The next day, after coming home from school, the sister headed to her brother’s room. He was at his desk doing his homework. When the sister entered, he looked bewildered and said, “W-What’s up, sis?”

“I’m sorry about yesterday. You offered to help me, but I got mad,” she said, bowing her head slightly. The brother, looking surprised, soon smiled brightly and said, “It’s okay, sis. I’m sorry too.”

That night, the two decided to do their homework together in the living room. The brother sat next to his sister, tackling difficult problems. “Can you help me with this?” he asked, and the sister began to teach him gently. As the clock on the wall ticked, the two of them shared precious, irreplaceable time together.
