小さな語りシリーズ2024/07/19  Small Story Serie








With the start of summer vacation, a brother and sister arrived at their grandparents' house in the countryside. The house was located in a quiet village in the mountains, where the sound of birdsong and the wind were pleasant. Every morning, they would have breakfast in their grandparents' garden and help their grandfather in the fields.

One afternoon, the siblings headed to a nearby river. The path along the river was narrow, overgrown with grass. Along the way, the brother suddenly stopped and pointed, saying to his sister, "Look at that." A cumulonimbus floated in the sky. Pure white, like cotton candy, it stood out beautifully against the blue sky.

"Where do you think that cloud comes from?" the sister asked, her eyes full of curiosity. After thinking for a moment, the brother replied, "Probably from beyond the mountains." They stood gazing up at the cloud for a while. As the cloud continually changed shape, the siblings excitedly pointed out shapes, calling them fish or sheep.

In the evening, after returning from their walk, they ate watermelon on the porch, prepared by their grandmother, and began talking about the cumulonimbus again. Hearing their conversation, their grandmother smiled and said, "Cumulonimbus clouds are a special gift from the summer sky."

That night, as they lay in their futons, they reminisced about the day's events. "That cumulonimbus looked so big and strong," the brother said. "Yeah, and it was so white and bright, really beautiful," the sister replied, and they laughed together as they talked about the cloud. Eventually, they drifted into a comfortable sleep, dreaming of riding that cumulonimbus and traveling far away. The memory of that cloud was firmly etched in their hearts as a summer memory.
