小さな語りシリーズ2024/06/16  Small Story Serie

2024/06/16「そば処」"Soba restaurant"

















On a hot summer afternoon, two salarymen wiped sweat from their brows as they walked. What started as a casual stroll to clear their heads took them down an unfamiliar alley. The cicadas buzzed in the distance, and the heat haze shimmered on the asphalt.

"Let's find somewhere to cool off," one suggested.

"Yeah," the other agreed.

They wandered into a narrow street and saw a familiar-looking sign. "Soba Shop," it read, written on a faded green cloth. Drawn by a sense of nostalgia, they entered, feeling the cool air wrap around them.

Inside, the small soba shop exuded an old-fashioned charm. Behind the counter stood a cheerful, seasoned lady in an apron, welcoming them with a smile.

"Welcome. What will it be?"

They ordered two plates of zaru soba and settled into a seat at the back. Outside, the trees swayed in the breeze, offering a hint of coolness.

"This place feels comforting," one remarked.

"Really. It's nice to see such a soba shop still exists," the other replied.

Soon, the lady brought their soba. The cool, sleek noodles looked delicious. Silently, they picked up their chopsticks and started eating, the smooth texture soothing their weary bodies.

"This soba is amazing," one said in awe.

"Yeah. It brings back memories," the other said, reminiscing.

Even after finishing their meal, they lingered, chatting with the lady and savoring the nostalgic atmosphere. When they finally stepped outside, the heat persisted, but their hearts felt lighter.

"Let's come back here," one said, and the other nodded with a smile.

The soba shop became a special place for them, a reminder that amidst the daily grind, such small moments of happiness were the most precious.

They closed the door of the soba shop behind them and stepped back into the hot summer afternoon.
